Confidential Information Vzorová ustanovení

Confidential Information. Intergraph and Customer each acknowledge that they may be furnished with, receive, or otherwise have access to information of or concerning the other party which such party considers to be confidential, proprietary, a trade secret or otherwise restricted. As used in this Agreement “Confidential Information” shall mean all information, which may include third party information, in any form, furnished or made available directly or indirectly by one party to the other that is marked confidential, restricted, proprietary, or with a similar designation. The terms and conditions, and existence, of this Agreement shall be deemed Confidential Information. Confidential Information also shall include, whether or not designated “Confidential Information” (i) all specifications, designs, documents, correspondence, software, documentation, data and other materials and work products produced by either Intergraph or its subcontractors, and (ii) with respect to either party, all information concerning the operations, financial affairs and businesses, and relations with its employees and service providers. 15.2 Důvěrné informace. Společnost Intergraph a Zákazník berou na vědomí, že jim mohou být poskytnuty, předány nebo jiným způsobem zpřístupněny informace týkající se druhé smluvní strany, které tato smluvní strana považuje za důvěrné, chráněné, za obchodní tajemství nebo za jiným způsobem utajované. Pojmem „Důvěrné informace“ se pro účely této Smlouvy rozumí jakékoliv informace v jakékoli formě, včetně informací o třetích osobách, které jedna smluvní strana přímo nebo nepřímo poskytne nebo dá k dispozici druhé smluvní straně a které jsou označeny jako důvěrné, utajované, chráněné apod. Podmínky a existence této Smlouvy se považují za Důvěrné informace. Za Důvěrné informace se považují také následující informace, a to bez ohledu na to, zda jsou označeny jako Důvěrné informace: (i) veškeré specifikace, návrhy, dokumenty, korespondence, software, dokumentace, data a jiné materiály a výsledky práce vytvořené společností Intergraph nebo jejími subdodavateli a (ii) ve vztahu ke kterékoli ze smluvních stran veškeré informace týkající se jejího provozu, finančních záležitostí, obchodů a vztahů se zaměstnanci a poskytovateli služeb. Each party's Confidential Information shall remain the property of that party or relevant third party except as expressly provided otherwise by the other provisions of this Agreement. Customer and Intergraph shall each use at least the same degree of ...
Confidential Information. Recipient will hold in confidence and use no less than reasonable care to avoid disclosure of any Confidential Information to any third party, except for its employees, affiliates and contractors who have a need to know such information in connection with this EULA, and are under written confidentiality obligations no less restrictive than the terms set forth in this Section. Recipient will be liable for any breach of this Section by its employees, affiliates and contractors. Recipient’s nondisclosure obligation will not apply to information which: (i) is known by Recipient without confidentiality obligations; (ii) is or has become public knowledge through no fault of Recipient; or (iii) is independently developed by Recipient. Recipient may disclose Discloser’s Confidential Information if required pursuant to a regulation, law or court order; provided that, Recipient provides prior notice to Discloser (to the extent legally permissible) and reasonably cooperates, at Discloser’s expense, regarding protective actions pursued by Discloser. Upon reasonable request of Discloser, Recipient will either return, delete or destroy all Confidential Information of Discloser and certify the same.
Confidential Information. 1. "Confidential Information" shall mean any proprietary, confidential, or trade secret information or know-how, including but not limited to infor- mation about each party's products, financials, business or customers, in any tangible or intangible form, disclosed on or after execution of the Agreement by each party. Each party disclosing such information ("Disclosing Party") shall use reasonable efforts to mark as confidential documents and other tangible items disclosed hereunder that contain such Party's Confidential Information, and to inform the party receiving such information ("Receiving Party"), prior to oral or visual disclosure of any such Confidential Information, that the Information about to be disclosed is confidential. Failure so to mark tangible items or to designa- te oral or visual disclosures shall not deprive the disclosed Confidential Information of the protections of this provision if the Receiving Party knew or should have known, based on the circumstances of the disclo- sure and the type of information being disclosed, that the Disclosing Party intended such information to be treated as Confidential Informa- tion hereunder.
Confidential Information. 3.5. PARTNERS shall identify the measures they will take to ensure that any PARTNER which has received CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION only uses or discloses this CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION by itself or its AFFILIATES as far as permitted under the conditions under which it was supplied.
Confidential Information. 14.1 Subject to clause 14.2 each Party undertakes that before, on and after Closing it shall:
Confidential Information. All exchanges of information between the parties pursuant to this PO shall be considered non‐confidential, unless the parties have entered into a separate written confidentiality agreement.
Confidential Information. The candidate may label information he deems con- fidential within the tender. Under the Public Procure- ment Act, confidential information may exclusively include: a business secret, technical solutions, and templates, manuals, designs, project documentation, models and the calculation method of the unit price. The Contracting Authority may not conclude a contract with a candidate or candidates who have the obliga- tion to be entered in the Register of partners of the public sector under Act No. 315/2016 on the Register of Partners of the Public Sector and amending certain acts (hereinafter referred to as “RPPS”) and have not been entered in RPPS or whose subcontractors or sub- contractors according to specific legislation who have the obligation to be entered in the RPPS have not been entered in the RPPS. The Contracting Authority, due to the proper perfor- mance of contractual relations concluded based on the result of this contract awarding procedure, requires that in case of the success of a group of suppliers, such group, at the latest before signing the contract, shall conclude and submit a pool contract as specified in Article 829 et seq. of Act. No. 40/1964 Civil Code or any equivalent contract with the minimum content require- ments as specified below to the Contracting Authority. The pool contract shall be in writing and include at least: → The power of attorney for one of the members of the group of suppliers who shall have the position of the principal member of the group of suppliers awarded by other members of the group of suppliers to perform and adopt any legal acts which shall be performed and adopted on behalf of all members of the group of suppliers in relation to the performance of the contract which shall be the result of the public procurement. This power of attorney shall be an integral part of the pool contract; → The description of reciprocal rights and obligations of members of the group of suppliers specifying the activities which shall be executed by respective members of the group of suppliers in terms of their participation in the performance of the subject of the contract; → A provision related to the fact that all members of the group of suppliers are jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the group to the Contracting Authority.
Confidential Information. 5.1 The Parties agree that Schedule 2 is Confidential Information ("Confidential Information"). Each Party shall maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information unless otherwise required by applicable law. The obligation of the Parties set forth in this Article of this Agreement is not limited in time. The foregoing obligation shall not apply in relation to information that becomes generally available to the public other than due to a breach of this clause. 5.2 The Parties undertake not to disclose the Confidential Information to Third Parties or allow Third Parties access to the Confidential Information without prior written consent of the other Party. 6.
Confidential Information. 2.1 The Parties agree that, for the purposes of this Agreement, they shall consider the following information to be confidential:
Confidential Information