Exclusions Vzorová ustanovení

Exclusions. Cisco has no obligation with respect to any IP Claim based on: (a) compliance with any designs, specifications, or requirements You provide or a third party provides on Your behalf; (b) Your modification of any Cisco Technology or modification by a third party; (c) the amount or duration of use made of the Cisco Technology, revenue You earned, or services You offered; (d) combination, operation, or use of Cisco Technology with non-Cisco products, software or business processes; (e) Your failure to modify or replace Cisco Technology as required by Cisco; or (f) any Cisco Technology provided on a no charge, beta or evaluation basis.
Exclusions. This Section does not apply to:
Exclusions. This Policy does not insure:-
Exclusions. The following types of Priority 1 incidents are excluded from the SLAs: (i) incidents regarding a release, version and/or functionalities of software developed specifically for Licensee (including without limitation those developed by SAP Custom Development and/or by SAP subsidiaries) except for custom code built with the SAP development workbench; (ii) incidents regarding country versions that are realized as partner add-ons, enhancements, or modifications are expressly excluded even if these country versions were created by SAP or an associated organization; and (iii) the root cause behind the incident is not a malfunction, but missing functionality (“development request”) or the incident is ascribed to a consulting request.
Exclusions chronic relapse and pre-existing illness, psychiatric treatments, treatment of a nervous or psychical collapse, – pregnancy complications after 6 months of pregnancy and childbirth, abortion, – sexually transmitted illness, – events of war, popular uprising, urban violence and terrorism, – dental treatment up to limit stated in art. 4, – orthopaedic protheses and aids and their repairs, providing of orthesis except for orthesis in simple and basic form, – glasses, contact lenses, eye protheses or hearing aids, – services performed outside a medical institution which are not performed by a doctor or a nurse who are authorised to perform them, treatment provided by a member of family of the insured or treatment which is not admitted from scientific or from medical point of view, – homeopathic treatment, prescription of homeopathic medicaments and supporting treatment, – rehabilitation, physical therapy, chiropractic care and spa treatment, – suicide attempt or a damage to health, – treatments for drug or alcohol addiction, – an injury in connection with carrying on dangerous types of sports or participation in regularly organised competitions, – off piste skiing, – driving without a driving licence, – high attitude sickness treatment – continuation of treatment in case that the insured refused to be transferred to another health care institution or transportation to the Czech Republic – treatment which was not strictly necessary from the medical point of view or treatment of such illnesses and states of health when the health care is convenient, useful or necessary but this care may be put off and provided only after the return from abroad, – first treatment which occurred on the 61st day of stay abroad or during further days of this stay,
Exclusions. This Section does not apply to: To pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages for Bodily Injury or Property Damage caused by an Occurrence arising in the course of any work or the performance of any duties carried out by or on behalf of the Insured in connection with the Insured's business or operations away from the Insured's premises in connection with any Aircraft Product including liability for Property Damage to such Aircraft Product. With respect to the insurance afforded under this Section the Insurers will:
Exclusions. Confidential Information does not include information that is in the public domain prior to disclosure by Client or INC Research; becomes part of the public domain during the term of this confidentiality obligation by any means other than breach of this Agreement by Provider; is already known to Provider at the time of disclosure and is free of any obligations of confidentiality; or is obtained by Provider, free of any obligations of confidentiality from a third party who has a lawful right to disclose it. 4.3
Exclusions. For SAP Enterprise Support in particular the following types of Priority 1 incidents are excluded from the SLAs: (i) incidents regarding a release, version and/or functionalities of Enterprise Support Solutions developed specifically for Licensee (including without limitation those developed by SAP Custom Development and/or by SAP subsidiaries) except for custom code built with the SAP development workbench; (ii) incidents regarding country versions that are not part of the Enterprise Support Solutions and instead are realized as partner add- ons, enhancements, or modifications are expressly excluded even if these country versions were created by SAP or an affiliate of SAP; (iii) the root cause behind the incident is not a malfunction, but a missing functionality (“development request”) or the incident is ascribed to a consulting request. spoločnosťou SAP na dvadsaťštyri (24) hodín denne, sedem (7) dní v týždni anglicky hovoriacu kontaktnú osobu so školeniami a vedomosťami dostatočnými pre pomoc pri riešení incidentu s Prioritou 1 v súlade so záväzkami Nadobúdateľa licencie podľa tejto dohody a (c) kontaktná osoba Nadobúdateľa licencie zabezpečí otvorenie vzdialeného pripojenia k systému a spoločnosti SAP poskytne potrebné prihlasovacie údaje.

Related to Exclusions

  • Final provisions 10.1. The legal relationship between the Provider and the Client is governed by the legal regulations of the Czech Republic, the Agreement and these BTC. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, the Provider and the Client have agreed that the Municipal Court in Prague shall have the jurisdiction, if the territorial jurisdiction in the first instance proceeding is given to regional court, and that the District Court for Prague 6 shall have the jurisdiction, if the territorial jurisdiction in the first instance proceeding is given to district courts. 10.2. The Provider is entitled to change unilaterally the BTC. The Provider shall notify the Client in writing of any change in the BTC at least month one prior to the expected change to the BTC coming into effect, by sending and informative e-mail to the Client’s e-mail address stated in the header of the Agreement, whereas within the framework of the above-mentioned time specification, it must be made possible for the Client to familiarise himself/herself comprehensively with the content of such change to the BTC or by publishing the information on change of the BTC at the Provider’s webpage xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx. Such effectiveness of change to the BTC may occur at the earliest after expiry of the period which is mentioned in the previous sentence. The Client is entitled to reject any change of BTC in writing. If the Client rejects the proposed change to the Business Terms and Conditions (BTC) in writing, the Client and the Provider shall be entitled to give written notice of termination of the Contract, no later than the date on which the new BTC (or altered BTC) come into effect. 10.3. Appendix No. 1 constitutes an integral part of these BTC. 10.4. These BTC become effective as of 1.5.2024 and replace BTC_IND_NPP_240301. PILLARS CONTENTS PREMIUM GOLD PLATINUM Disclaimers AVAILABILITY Prague 1, Palác YMCA, Na Poříčí 1041/12 X X X Prague 4, Pankrác House, Lomnického 1705/5 X X X Prague 8, Apeiron, Sokolovská 192/79 X X X Brno, Dům u Červeného raka, Jánská 2 X X X Prague 6, AFI Veleslavín, Evropská 859/115a X X X Prague 5, Waltrovka, Walterovo náměstí 329/2 X X X Prague 4, Park, V Parku 2308/8 X X X Prague 5, Homolka Premium Care, Roentgenova 37/2 X Specializations available in the program The available medical specializations are listed on the website xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx The Healthcare Service Provider is entitled, in accordance with its needs, to unilaterally update this online list in accordance with the current availability of such specialisations for which it or its contractual partners (i.e. healthcare service providers) have public authorisation granted by a public authority in accordance with Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on healthcare services and the conditions of their provision, as amended. Guarantee of date for acute examinations within 24 hours within 24 hours within 24 hours The date of the examination always depends on assessment of the medical risk of the patient’s individual case, the current objective capacity of the relevant outpatient surgeries with regard to the burden on doctors and non-medical healthcare staff, sufficient capacity, absence of specialisations or technology or equipment in the surgery. The facts mentioned in the previous paragraph may always be unilaterally assessed by the Healthcare Service Provider and such a Provider is also obliged to justify in writing to the Client refusal to provide a service to a Service Recipient if so requested. Virtual clinic 24/7 X X X Available to clients over 18 years of age. Telephone consultation with a doctor during business hours X X X

  • DEFINITIONS 1.1 In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, the following words and expressions have the meanings set opposite them as follows: “CzMVO” shall mean the Czech Medicines Verification Organisation, which is responsible for the implementation of the National System in accordance with the Directive and the Delegated Regulation;

  • Dodatečné informace k zadávacím podmínkám 11.1 Přestože tato zadávací dokumentace vymezuje předmět veřejné zakázky v podrobnostech nezbytných pro zpracování nabídky, mohou dodavatelé požadovat dodatečné informace k zadávacím podmínkám. Dotazy k zadávacím podmínkám mohou dodavatelé zasílat v písemné formě k rukám kontaktní osoby uvedené v čl. 1 této zadávací dokumentace. Písemná žádost o dodatečné informace musí být doručena nejpozději 6 pracovních dnů před uplynutím lhůty pro podání nabídek. Na dotazy podané po uplynutí lhůty uvedené v předchozí větě a/nebo podané jinou než písemnou formou nebude brán zřetel.