Exclusions Vzorová ustanovení

Exclusions. Cisco has no obligation with respect to any IP Claim based on: (a) compliance with any designs, specifications, or requirements You provide or a third party provides on Your behalf; (b) Your modification of any Cisco Technology or modification by a third party; (c) the amount or duration of use made of the Cisco Technology, revenue You earned, or services You offered; (d) combination, operation, or use of Cisco Technology with non-Cisco products, software or business processes; (e) Your failure to modify or replace Cisco Technology as required by Cisco; or (f) any Cisco Technology provided on a no charge, beta or evaluation basis.
Exclusions. This Policy does not insure:-
Exclusions. This Section does not apply to:
Exclusions chronic relapse and pre-existing illness, psychiatric treatments, treatment of a nervous or psychical collapse, – pregnancy complications after 6 months of pregnancy and childbirth, abortion, – sexually transmitted illness, – events of war, popular uprising, urban violence and terrorism, – dental treatment up to limit stated in art. 4, – orthopaedic protheses and aids and their repairs, providing of orthesis except for orthesis in simple and basic form, – glasses, contact lenses, eye protheses or hearing aids, – services performed outside a medical institution which are not performed by a doctor or a nurse who are authorised to perform them, treatment provided by a member of family of the insured or treatment which is not admitted from scientific or from medical point of view, – homeopathic treatment, prescription of homeopathic medicaments and supporting treatment, – rehabilitation, physical therapy, chiropractic care and spa treatment, – suicide attempt or a damage to health, – treatments for drug or alcohol addiction, – an injury in connection with carrying on dangerous types of sports or participation in regularly organised competitions, – off piste skiing, – driving without a driving licence, – high attitude sickness treatment – continuation of treatment in case that the insured refused to be transferred to another health care institution or transportation to the Czech Republic – treatment which was not strictly necessary from the medical point of view or treatment of such illnesses and states of health when the health care is convenient, useful or necessary but this care may be put off and provided only after the return from abroad, – first treatment which occurred on the 61st day of stay abroad or during further days of this stay,
Exclusions. Confidential Information does not include information that is in the public domain prior to disclosure by Client or INC Research; becomes part of the public domain during the term of this confidentiality obligation by any means other than breach of this Agreement by Provider; is already known to Provider at the time of disclosure and is free of any obligations of confidentiality; or is obtained by Provider, free of any obligations of confidentiality from a third party who has a lawful right to disclose it. 4.3
Exclusions. For SAP Enterprise Support in particular the following types of Priority 1 incidents are excluded from the SLAs: (i) incidents regarding a release, version and/or functionalities of Enterprise Support Solutions developed specifically for Licensee (including without limitation those developed by SAP Custom Development and/or by SAP subsidiaries) except for custom code built with the SAP development workbench; (ii) incidents regarding country versions that are not part of the Enterprise Support Solutions and instead are realized as partner add- ons, enhancements, or modifications are expressly excluded even if these country versions were created by SAP or an affiliate of SAP; (iii) the root cause behind the incident is not a malfunction, but a missing functionality (“development request”) or the incident is ascribed to a consulting request. spoločnosťou SAP na dvadsaťštyri (24) hodín denne, sedem (7) dní v týždni anglicky hovoriacu kontaktnú osobu so školeniami a vedomosťami dostatočnými pre pomoc pri riešení incidentu s Prioritou 1 v súlade so záväzkami Nadobúdateľa licencie podľa tejto dohody a (c) kontaktná osoba Nadobúdateľa licencie zabezpečí otvorenie vzdialeného pripojenia k systému a spoločnosti SAP poskytne potrebné prihlasovacie údaje.
Exclusions. The following types of Priority 1 incidents are excluded from the SLAs: (i) incidents regarding a release, version and/or functionalities of software developed specifically for Licensee (including without limitation those developed by SAP Custom Development and/or by SAP subsidiaries) except for custom code built with the SAP development workbench; (ii) incidents regarding country versions that are realized as partner add-ons, enhancements, or modifications are expressly excluded even if these country versions were created by SAP or an associated organization; and (iii) the root cause behind the incident is not a malfunction, but missing functionality (“development request”) or the incident is ascribed to a consulting request.
Exclusions. This Section does not apply to: To pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages for Bodily Injury or Property Damage caused by an Occurrence arising in the course of any work or the performance of any duties carried out by or on behalf of the Insured in connection with the Insured's business or operations away from the Insured's premises in connection with any Aircraft Product including liability for Property Damage to such Aircraft Product. With respect to the insurance afforded under this Section the Insurers will:

Related to Exclusions

  • Final provisions 5.1. Term and termination of the Agreement: This Agreement is concluded for a definite period of time until 31 December 2025. This Agreement comes into force on the day of its signing by the representatives of both Contracting Parties and becomes effective on the day of its publication in the Register of Contracts under Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on the Register of Contracts, as amended. The Contracting Parties may withdraw from the Agreement without undue delay for the reason of material breach hereof, for which breach of rights and duties arising from point 3.1. or 3.2. hereof shall be considered among others. The Contracting Parties may terminate this Agreement by a notice without giving reasons with a 2-month notice period, which shall commence on the first day of the month following delivery of the written notice to the other Contracting Party. 5.2. Penalties: In case of a breach of obligations stipulated in point 3.1. hereof, the Agent shall lose the right to payment of the commission not yet paid. If such breach concerns a particular Interested Person or a particular number of Interested Persons, the Agent loses the right to payment of such part of the commission which corresponds to mediation of the contract with such Interested Person/Interested Persons. Applying of penalty under letter a) shall not affect the right to compensation for damage. 5.3. Confidentiality The Contracting Parties undertake that in case of termination of contractual relations for any reasons they shall be obliged to maintain necessary confidentiality for the period of at least two years from termination thereof concerning information and data which they obtained from mutual cooperation and they undertake not to use such information, data and knowledge in the same area of business for such period. 5.4. Governing law Legal relations between the Contracting Parties including possible disputes arising herefrom shall be governed solely by applicable provisions of Act No. 89/2012, Civil Code, as amended, and other generally binding legal regulations of the Czech Republic. 5.5. Changes of the Agreement Any and all changes hereof may be made only by written amendments numbered in ascending order and approved and signed by both Contracting Parties. 5.6. Language versions The Agreement is drawn up in two language versions and both of them have the same content. In the case of any contradiction between the versions or dispute on interpretation of the Agreement or individual provisions, the Czech language version shall prevail. 5.7. GDPR When processing personal data of Interested Persons and Students, the Agent is obliged to comply with Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data, as amended, as well as Directive 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. 5.8. Force Majeure If the provision of services under the agreed conditions becomes impossible or so difficult as a result of force majeure that they cannot be fairly demanded, the party wishing to invoke force majeure shall request the other party to modify the Agreement in relation to subject matter, price and time of performance. If no agreement is reached, the Party who has reasonably invoked force majeure has the right to withdraw from this Agreement by a unilateral statement sent by registered letter to the other Party. In this case, the withdrawal shall take effect on the date of delivery of the notification to the other Contracting Party. 5.9. Final provisions This Agreement is drawn up in two (2) counterparts, each of which has the validity of the original, and each Contracting Party shall receive one (1) of them. Or it may be concluded electronically in which case both of the Contracting Parties share the original electronic document with the electronic signatures attached. The Contracting Parties declare that they have read this Agreement, they agree with its content and they confirm that it has been drawn up on the basis of true data, their true and free will and has not been agreed in distress or under other unilaterally disadvantageous conditions. In witness whereof they affix their signatures. Annex No. 1 – Definition of terms Za Objednatele Za Zprostředkovatele For and on behalf of the Client For and on behalf of the Agent V Praze, dne ….............................................. In Prague, date ............................................. ………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….


  • Limity plnění 1. Není-li v pojistné smlouvě ujednáno jinak, je pojistné plně- ní v součtu omezeno limitem za všechny pojištěné věci pro dané pojistné nebezpečí takto:

  • DEFINITIONS 1.1 In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, the following words and expressions have the meanings set opposite them as follows: “CzMVO” shall mean the Czech Medicines Verification Organisation, which is responsible for the implementation of the National System in accordance with the Directive and the Delegated Regulation;

  • Splatnost peněžních prostředků 2.1 Poskytovatel se zavazuje poskytnout příjemci dotaci za účelem uvedeným v článku I. na účet příjemce uvedený v záhlaví této smlouvy do 15 dnů po nabytí účinnosti této smlouvy.

  • Provádění plateb Emitent bude provádět platby Oprávněným osobám bezhotovostním převodem na jejich bankovní účet uvedený ve Smlouvě o úpisu. Uvedení bankovního účtu je povinnou náležitostí Smlouvy o úpisu. U zahraničních bankovních účtů musí být číslo účtu sděleno ve formátu IBAN. Případná změna bankovního účtu Oprávněné osoby pro provádění plateb v souladu s těmito Emisními podmínkami musí mít podobu instrukce, kterou příslušná Oprávněná osoba doručí Emitentovi na adresu Určené provozovny nejpozději v Rozhodný den pro výplatu výnosu nebo Rozhodný den pro splacení jmenovité hodnoty. Instrukce musí mít formu podepsaného písemného formuláře Emitenta, které bude obsahovat dostatečnou informaci o výše zmíněném účtu umožňující Emitentovi platbu provést a v případě právnických osob bude doplněna o kopii platného výpisu z obchodního rejstříku příjemce platby a ostatními příslušnými přílohami (také jen „Instrukce“). Instrukce musí být opatřena úředně ověřeným podpisem Oprávněné osoby. Instrukce musí být v obsahu a formě vyhovující rozumným požadavkům Emitenta, přičemž Emitent může vyžadovat dostatečně uspokojivý důkaz o tom, že osoba, která Instrukci podepsala, je oprávněna jménem Oprávněné osoby takovou Instrukci podepsat. Takový důkaz musí být Emitentovi doručen taktéž nejpozději v Rozhodný den. V tomto ohledu Emitent zejména může požadovat

  • Územní platnost pojištění Není-li ve smlouvě ujednáno jinak, pojištění se vztahuje na pojistné události, které vzniknou na území České republiky nebo při nichž nastane škoda na území České republiky.

  • Doložka o informačním systému ČAP a ČKP Pojistník souhlasí, aby pojistitel uložil informace týkající se jeho pojištění odpovědnosti do Informačního systému Čes- ké asociace pojišioven (dále jen „ČAP“) a České kanceláře pojistitelů (dále jen „ČKP“) s tím, že tyto informace mohou být poskytnuty kterémukoliv členu ČAP a ČKP, který je uži- vatelem tohoto systému. Účelem informačního systému je zjišiovat, shromažďovat, zpracovávat, uchovávat a členům ČAP a ČKP poskytovat informace o klientech s cílem jejich ochrany a ochrany pojišioven. Informační systém slouží i k účelům evidence a statistiky.

  • Dodatečné informace k zadávacím podmínkám 11.1 Přestože tato zadávací dokumentace vymezuje předmět veřejné zakázky v podrobnostech nezbytných pro zpracování nabídky, mohou dodavatelé požadovat dodatečné informace k zadávacím podmínkám. Dotazy k zadávacím podmínkám mohou dodavatelé zasílat v písemné formě k rukám kontaktní osoby uvedené v čl. 1 této zadávací dokumentace. Písemná žádost o dodatečné informace musí být doručena nejpozději 6 pracovních dnů před uplynutím lhůty pro podání nabídek. Na dotazy podané po uplynutí lhůty uvedené v předchozí větě a/nebo podané jinou než písemnou formou nebude brán zřetel.

  • Podmínky prostorového uspořádání U nové zástavby nesmí být počet nadzemních podlaží vyšší než tři včetně podkroví. KZ = 0,50do 800m/0,65nad 800m (podsazený údaj určuje velikost pozemku). Podmínkou je umístění min. dvou míst (garáž nebo stání) pro osobní automobil na vlastním pozemku na bytovou jednotku.