PREAMBLE. The Parties conclude this Contract in accordance with Act No. 48/1997 Coll., on Public Health Insurance and the Amendment of Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Public Health Insurance Act”), and other related legislation. The Holder is interested in placing the medicinal product specified in Annex No. 1 to this Contract on the market in the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the “Product”). The Holder, in order to ensure the quality and availability of health care, the functioning of the health care system and its stability within the financial possibilities of the public health insurance system, is interested in providing the Insurance Company with a guarantee of cost limitation for treatment with the Product according to this Contract so that the health insurance costs for treatment with the Product in the Czech Republic are limited. Under these circumstances, the Insurance Company is interested in obtaining a guarantee of health insurance cost limitation for treatment with the Product according to paragraph 2 of the Preamble. The Insurance Company declares that in accordance with applicable legislation it is entitled to receive from the Holder funds representing the guarantee of cost limitation for treatment with the Product according to this Contract into the Insurance Company’s Basic Fund.
PREAMBLE. Whereas:
PREAMBLE. 1. The Parties conclude this Contract in accordance with Act No. 48/1997 Coll., on Public Health Insurance and the Amendment of Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Public Health Insurance Act”), and other related legislation.
PREAMBLE. (A) The Client organizes a technical colloquium on the railw ay bridge under Vyšehrad ("Technical Colloquium") on 20 - 21 February
PREAMBLE. (B) Smluvní strany považují za vhodné upravit vzájemná práva a povinnosti při nakládání s informacemi, na které se tato Smlouva vztahuje tak, aby byl dostatečným způsobem upraven režim poskytování informací a chráněn zájem Poskytovatele dat na
PREAMBLE. (a) In line with its mission of “[...] sponsoring of international co-operation in nuclear research, including co-operation outside the Laboratories [which] may include in particular [...] the dissemination of information”, and in accordance with the principle of openness “[...] the results of its experimental and theoretical work shall be published or otherwise made generally available”, both enshrined in its Convention2, CERN has initiated a process to pursue open access to peer-reviewed literature in the Field. First, broad consultation in 2005 and 2006 between researchers, publishers and funding agencies identified author fees as a barrier to open access and suggested that open access to existing high quality peer-reviewed journals in the Field should be introduced by a redirection of subscription fees. In 2007, an international working party delivered a report (in Annex 8) describing a 1 xxxx:// 2 xxxx:// possible business model for a future consortium to be called SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) to achieve this redirection, inspired by the collaborative models that the HEP community has used for decades to design, build, operate and exploit global research infrastructures. From 2007 to 2010, libraries and funding agencies from 25 countries signed Expressions of Interest to support the future SCOAP3 consortium (template in Annex 7). In 2011, representatives of these stakeholders agreed that CERN should start a formal procurement process for peer-review, open access and other publication services, pending new commitments to join SCOAP3. A Steering Committee was formed to guide this process.
PREAMBLE. 1. PROVIDER and RECIPIENT have concluded Material and Data Transfer Agreement for the purpose of conduct of research project titled: “XXXXX”, (hereinafter as “Agreement”). During conducting the Research Project the need for provision of other Human Material and Data has arisen. Hence the Parties are willing to conclude this Amendment. 2. Terms used in this Amendment have
PREAMBLE. 1. The Seller is the economic operator selected to provide delivery under the small-scale public contract titled „ UV/ XUV spectrometer coupled w ith beam profiler“ (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Contract"), awarded by the Purchaser, pursuant to Section 31 of Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on Public Procurement, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "PPA") outside the regime of this PPA.
PREAMBLE. 1. Tyto „obchodní podmínky“ (dále jen „Podmínky“) jsou zveřejněny na webové stránce xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx a jsou nedílnou součástí každého prodeje uskutečňovaného společností ELETECHNIK Czech s.r.o. IČ: 033 33 329, sídlem Xxxxxxxxxxxx 000/00, Xxxxxx, 000 00 Xxxx, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Brně sp. zn. C 84468. Od těchto podmínek je možné se odchýlit pouze ve zvláštních případech, a to za předpokladu, že je toto odchylné ujednání sjednáno v platné a účinné písemné smlouvě, přičemž odchylné ujednání ve smlouvě má přednost před ujednáním v těchto Podmínkách.
PREAMBLE. 1. Zájemce je tuzemským podnikatelem v oboru zprostředkování služeb a poskytování služeb administrativní a organizační povahy, a že disponuje vlastním uceleným systémem rezervace a prodeje jízdenek a letenek, tvořeným internetovým rezervačním a prodejním systémem BusSystem (dále také jen „BusSystem“), jehož prostřednictvím realizuje rezervace a prodej autobusových a vlakových jízdenek - jízdenek opravňujících třetí osoby (dále také jen jako „zákazník“ nebo jako „cestující“), k přepravě za příslušnou úplatu (dále také jen „jízdenky“) vozidly třetích osob, pro které zájemce smluvně zajišťuje prodej jízdenek (dále také jen „přepravci“), a přepravních dokladů pro leteckou dopravu – letenek (dále také jen letenky), opravňujících třetí osoby - cestující k přepravě letadly leteckých přepravců (pro které zájemce smluvně zajišťuje prodej letenek za příslušnou úplatu), jakož i dalších služeb a zboží, jejichž prodej BusSystem umožňuje.