Price and Payment Terms Vzorová ustanovení

Price and Payment Terms. (1) The Accommodated student of the University is obligated to pay to the Provider of Accommodation for accommodation and associated services (particularly for provision of heating, supplies of hot and cold water, changes of bed linen and garbage removal services) the price specified in the applicable Dormitory Price List (hereinafter referred to as “dormitory fee“) discussed by the Academic Senate of CTU in Prague, hereinafter referred to as the „AS“, the Accommodated is obliged to pay for electricity in accordance with the List of Payments of the given dormitory. In the case of a non-student of University or is an employee of CTU the accommodation price is in accordance with the price list for these accommodation categories.
Price and Payment Terms. The price of goods is set by the price list in force on the day of the order confirmation by Xxxxx a.s.; the price included in the price list is excluding VAT. The price of goods means the price of goods including the packaging costs. Business partners of Tonak a.s. are obliged to pay Tonak a.s. the price by the due date specified on the order confirmed by Xxxxx a.s., or specified on the invoice issued by Tonak a.s. If the price is not paid by the due date, Tonak a.s. is entitled to charge business partners a contractual penalty of 0.05 % of the outstanding amount per day until the outstanding amount is settled; the agreement on the contractual penalty does not affect the entitlement of Tonak a.s. to any damages. Business partners are not entitled to withhold the whole purchase price or part thereof due to any complaints about goods or any other receivables from Tonak a.s. If business partners do so, they default on the payment of the purchase price. Business partners are not entitled to offset any of their receivables from Tonak a.s. against the purchase price without the consent of Tonak a.s. Tonak a.s. is entitled to unilaterally increase the agreed price of goods or the services provided accordingly if the price of material, wage, energy, and other production inputs change.
Price and Payment Terms. (1) The Accommodated Student is obligated to pay to the Provider of Accommodation for accommodation and associated services (particularly for provision of heating, supplies of hot and cold water, changes of bed linen and garbage removal services) the price specified in the applicable Dormitory Price List (hereinafter referred to as “dormitory fee“) discussed by the Academic Senate of CTU in Prague. The Accommodated Student is obliged to pay for electricity in accordance with the List of Payments of the given dormitory.
Price and Payment Terms. 1. Total price for the delivery of the subject of the Contract as laid down in the Article II of the Purchase Contract is agreed in accordance with the Act No 18/1996 Coll. on prices as amended as follows: Device description Number of units Unit price, excluding VAT Total price, excluding VAT GPS collar 10 2 237,50 Euro 22 375,00 Euro GPS for telemetry monitoring of wildlife movement 10 2 960,00 Euro 29 600,00 Euro Total, excluding VAT 5 197,50 Euro 51 975,00 Euro Price excluding VAT in EUR including the transport of the subject of the Contract: In full: fiftyone thousend ninehundredseventyfive EUR and zero Cents, VAT The price includes all transport costs, clearance and delivery to the place specified by the Purchaser.
Price and Payment Terms. 4.1. The parties agreed on the following prices: Language Type of Teaching Hours Price/ph English; native speaker Teaching children 20hpw 400,-
Price and Payment Terms. 4.1. The parties agreed on the following prices:

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