Provisions Vzorová ustanovení

Provisions. (1) This Agreement shall come into force on the day of being signed by both parties and shall become effective as from the first day of the negotiated accommodation.
Provisions. 1. This Contract and all other relations related to the Contract shall be governed by the Slovak rule of law. 2. The Contracting Parties agreed that the relations not governed by this Contract shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Act No. 40/1964 Coll. (The Civil Code) in its valid wording. 3. The places to deliver written documents are Contracting parties’ addresses stated in the heading of this Contract. Each of the Contracting Parties is obliged to notify in written form the other contracting party of any change regarding the delivery, immediately after such change occurs. If the delivery of written document to the other Contracting party fails due to the late or not performed notification on the change of delivery address, the day of returned post to the sender is considered as the day of delivery of the written document and this even in the event the recipient has not been informed about it. 4. The following dates are to be considered as the dates of written documents’ receipt: the day of personal receipt of the written documents, the day of receipt of the post, the day of refusal to accept the receipt of the written document or the post, the third day of the storage period at the post office and this even in the event that the recipient has not been informed about it. 5. This Contract is bilingual: in Slovak and English language. In case of doubt of interpretation prevails the Slovak version of the Contract. 6. This Contract is drawn up in 3 counterparts; The Mandator shall receive 2 counterparts after signing the Contract and 1 counterpart of this Contract is for the Mandatary. 7. This Contract may be changed only by written amendments, marked and signed by podpisu oboma zmluvnými stranami a účinnosť dňom, ktorý nasleduje po dni jej zverejnenia v Centrálnom registri zmlúv SR. 9. Zmluvné strany vyhlasujú, že túto zmluvu prečítali, jej obsahu porozumeli a na znak súhlasu s jej znením pripájajú svoje podpisy. both Contracting Parties, and forming the inseparable part of this Contract. 8. This Contract shall enter into force on the day of its signing by both Contracting Parties and effectiveness on the day following the date of its publication in the Slovak republic Central Register of Contracts. 9. The Contracting Parties declare that they have read this Contract, understand its content and as evidence of their consent to its wording they sign it. V/In: Bratislava, dňa/on: 5/1/2021 V/In: Liverpool, dňa/on: 18.dec.2020 .......................
Provisions. 1. This Amendment No. 1 comes into force on the day of its execution by the last of the authorized representatives of the Parties and comes into effect on the day of its publication in the public administration information system, which serves for publishing contracts pursuant to Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on Special Conditions for the Effectiveness of Certain Contracts, the Disclosure of These Contracts and the Register of Contracts (hereinafter the Contracts Register Act), as amended (hereinafter the “Contracts Register”). The Parties are fully aware of the legal obligation to publish this Amendment No. 1 in the Contracts Register and have agreed that the Borrower shall submit this Amendment No. 1 to the Contracts Register Administrator for publication in accordance with Section 5 of the Contract Register Act without undue delay, in any case no later than within 30 days of the conclusion of Amendment No. 1. 2. Amendment No. 1 is made in two (2) counterparts with the validity of the original of which each of the Parties shall receive one (1).
Provisions. Any and all information determined in this Bonus Scheme and any related information shall be deemed confidential and the Provider shall keep it secret and not disclose it to any third party. In the case of the Provider´s participation in the Bonus Scheme, a contract is established between Bayer and the Provider which contents are determined by the conditions of this Bonus Scheme (the “Contract”). If the Provider is an entity regulated by Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on Contract Register (the “Register Act“), the following provisions shall be applied. Bayer and the Provider identically represent that the subject of the Contract does not exceed the value of CZK 50,000.00, or respectively that the value of the subject of the Contract cannot be established, and the Contract is not subject to publication based on the Register Act. However, if an opinion is reached later that the Contract is subject to publication based on the Register Act, the following provisions shall be applied. The Parties undertake to make illegible and provide for non-publication in the register of the following provisions in the electronic form of the Contract before it is sent to the register: From reasons of the protection of Bayer´s business secret: marking of the Products and definitions of the Reference Period in Art. I., Art. II. par. 2., period determined in Art. II. par. 3., Art. II. par. 4. to 6., Art. III., Art. V. par. 2.; all markings of xxxxx. All natural persons´ personal data. The Parties expressly agree that it shall be the Provider who will make the said data illegible and send the Contract to the register; however, Bayer´s right to send the Contract to the register shall not be thereby concerned. Notwithstanding the provisions in the previous sentence, the Provider may send the Contract to the register only subject to prior approval of its final version by Bayer; otherwise, the Provider shall be liable to pay a penalty in the amount of CZK 50,000.00 to Bayer; Bayer´s claim for damages shall not be concerned by the penalty payment. Bayer reserves the rights to unilaterally cancel, reduce or change the Bonus Scheme or any parameter thereof, based on a written notice, or via email if email address provided by the Provider, effective upon delivery of the written notice to the Provider, or upon sending of the email to the Provider´s email address, unless Bayer determines another date of effect. Such change or cancellation of the Bonus Scheme shall be always made in a non-discrimi...
Provisions. 1. This Amendment is without prejudice to the other provisions of the Agreement. The Amendment No. 2 shall be valid on the date of signing by the last Party and effective by publishing of the Amendment in the contract registry. 2. The contracting parties agree that the provisions of this Amendment No. 2 shall also apply to the legal relations of the contracting parties arising in the period from 15 Xxx 2021 until the date of its entry into force. 3. Bayer acknowledges that Center is obliged to publish the information in compliance with Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on Contract Registry. The Parties agreed that the Center shall publish such version of this Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement, which Bayer will prepare and provide for this purpose not later than on day of Amendment No. 2 signing, in machine- readable format in electronic form. Center is authorized to publish Amendment No. 2 in the registry if Bayer does not fulfil the obligation to provide cotract version for publication. 4. This Amendment No. 2 is executed in four original copies. Bayer shall receive two original copies and Center and Investigator receive one original copy each. 5. This Amendment No. 2 is written in the Czech and English languages, and in the
Provisions. 8.1 This Contract is concluded in two languages, English and Slovák, which are equivalent. It is made in two originál copies, one of them to be obtained by the Customer and the second one to be obtained by the Provider. Any variations and modifications of this Contract mušt be performed in a written form.
Provisions. 1. The Parties expressly declare that this Agreement, any consideration provided or made under it, is neither intended to create or constitute nor is it associated with any promise or commitment of the Donee to support the sale, consumption, prescription, use, advertising, promotion, offering, recommending or other processing of any of the Donor’s products or services. 2. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature by the last of the Parties and may be amended only by written amendments. 3. This Agreement is executed in two (2) counterparts, containing both the Czech and English language version. Both versions are deemed to be identical. In case of any dispute between the Czech and English version hereof the Czech version shall prevail. Each Party will receive one counterpart hereof. 4. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic and any of the disputes that arise from this Agreement, including disputes regarding its validity, shall be resolved by the general courts of the Czech Republic.
Provisions. 1. This Amendment is without prejudice to the other provisions of the Agreement. The Amendment shall be valid on the date of signing by the last Party and effective by publishing of the Amendment in the contract registry. Bayer acknowledges that Center is obliged to publish the Agreement in compliance with Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on contract registry. The Parties agreed that the Center shall publish such version of this Amendment and the original Agreement, which Bayer will prepare and provide for this purpose not later than on day of Agreement signing, in machine-readable format in electronic form. Center is authorized to publish Agreement in the registry if Bayer does not fulfil the obligation to provide cotract version for publication. Center shall be paid 366 291 CZK in relation with this Study according to budget attached to this Agreement. 2. This Amendment is executed in four original copies. Bayer shall receive two original copies 3. Tento Dodatek je sepsán v českém a anglickém jazyce, přičemž v případě rozporu mezi jazykovými verzemi bude upřednostněna česká verze Dodatku. 4. Smluvní strany prohlašují, že tento Dodatek uzavřely na základě svobodné a vážné vůle, jeho obsah pročetly a porozuměly mu, a na důkaz toho připojují své vlastnoruční podpisy. and Center and Investigator receive one original copy each. 3. This Amendment is written in the Czech and English languages, and in the event of a conflict between the language versions, the Czech version of the Amendment shall prevail. 4. The Parties declare that this Amendment was concluded based on their own free and serious will. The Parties read the Amendment and they understood the Amendment, in witness whereof the undersigned have signed this Amendment. BAYER s.r.o. Místo/datum - Place/date: Praha _ _ Prokurista / Proxy Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava Place/date - Místo/datum: _ _ _ Náměstek pro vědu, výzkum a výuku / Deputy Director for Science, Research and Education Zkoušející / Investigator Place/date - Místo/datum: _ _ _ Zkoušející / Investigator
Provisions. 1. Unless otherwise specified herein, this Contract can only be altered and amended by upwardly numbered written appendices to be signed to this end by the authorized representatives of contractual Parties.
Provisions. 1. This Amendment is without prejudice to the other provisions of the Agreement. The Amendment No. 2 shall be valid on the date of signing by the last Party and effective by publishing of the Amendment in the contract registry. 2. The contracting parties agree that the provisions of this Appendix No. 2 shall also apply to the legal relations of the contracting parties arising in the period from 09 Oct 2020 until the date of its entry into force. 3. The Sponsor acknowledges that Center is obliged to publish the Amendment No. 2 in compliance with Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on contract registry. The Parties agreed that the Center shall publish such version of this Amendment No. 2 and the original Agreement, which the Sponsor will prepare