Subject of Agreement Vzorová ustanovení

Subject of Agreement. (1) The subject of this Agreement is the obligation of the Provider of Accommodation to provide the Accommodated Student, based on her/his reservation or application, with temporary accommodation in the extent of one bed for the period of validity of this Agreement, and together with services associated with accommodation
Subject of Agreement. 1. The subject of this Agreement shall be the provision of travel allowances to the Beneficiary as the person defined in Section 1(2)(c) of the Act No. 283/2002 Coll. on Travel Allowances, as amended for the following trip: Brussels- Bratislava and return Date of the trip: 13 March 2016 Purpose of the trip: participation and presentation at the international conference titled Smart Industry organised by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava.
Subject of Agreement. 1.1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee the right (the exclusive licence) to exploit the feature films stated in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, to which the Licensor holds the exclusive right (hereinafter – “Films”), by means of twofold broadcasting, including via satellite and transmission by basic cable, on broadcasting only in the Slovak language free terrestrial television channels of Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska JEDNOTKA, DVOJKA only in subtitled and/or dubbed in the Slovak language versions, within the limits set out in this Agreement.
Subject of Agreement. Section 1. CONTRACTING PARTY hereby tasks and INSTITUTION/INVESTIGATOR agree to make medical conditions available to CONTRACTING PARTY to perform research as to selection and diagnosing of: Odstavec 2. Činnosti spojené s odběrem biologických materiálů musí být prováděny studijním týmem, který má toto složení: MUDr. XXX MUDr. XXX
Subject of Agreement. Section 1. CONTRACTING PARTY hereby tasks and INSTITUTION/INVESTIGATOR agree to make conditions available to CONTRACTING PARTY to perform research as to selection and diagnosing of:
Subject of Agreement. (1) The Subject of this Agreement is the Accommodation Provider's commitment to conclude an Accommodation Agreement pursuant to Sec. 2326 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, with the Student subject to fulfillment of other herein stipulated terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to the “Accommodation Agreement”). The content of the Accommodation Agreement will be the Accommodation Provider's obligation to provide the Student with temporary accommodation in the accommodation facility located at
Subject of Agreement. 1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the regulation of mutual relationships of the Parties to the co-ownership items stated under paragraph a) and b) below and rights and obligations arising therefrom in the future:
Subject of Agreement. 1. Under this Agreement, the Educational Company undertakes to set up a client account on THE ROYAL EDUCATION platform for the Investor without undue delay after the registration and conclusion of this Agreement. When registering on THE ROYAL EDUCATION platform, the Investor shall provide the following information: first name, last name, email address, phone number, address, password. By logging in to the Client Account, the Investor will gain access to THE ROYAL EDUCATION platform and will be provided with the access to its functionalities. The ROYAL EDUCATION platform will also present the projects contained in the partner platform THE ROYAL MARKET.
Subject of Agreement. 3.1 The Seller agrees to provide the Purchaser with and hand over theitem or items representing the subject of the purchase to them, enable them to gain the title to such items and to meet other related obligations arising herefrom. The Purchaser agrees to accept the items and pay the Seller the purchase price. 3.2 Regarding this agreement, an item means System for eye tracking measurement during acquisition in MRI machine as well as for use in combination with EEG recording in electrophysiological laboratories. Subject of agreement is more defined in Annex 1. 3.3 The obligation of the Seller to hand over the item also includes a) transport of the item to a given place; b) installation of the item, which instalací se rozumí usazení věci v místě plnění a jeho sestavení a propojení s původním zařízením tak, aby byla zajištěna plná kompatibilita a věc plnila svůj účel.

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