The Vzorová ustanovení

The. Agreement is governed by the laws of Czech Republic. Any disputes arising out of the Agreement or in connection therewith shall be resolved in courts of Czech Republic with territorial jurisdiction over the district where EY has its registered office, to which each party agrees to submit for these purposes. postoupit tuto Smlouvu, a to zcela, nebo zčásti, jak je uvedeno v bodu (ii) výše.
The. Equipment loan is free of charge, and the Borrower does not have the right to transfer the borrowed Equipment to any third party.
The. Data Recipient undertakes to protect the Confidential information, to ensure its proper security, to prevent its misuse and/or unauthorized disclosure and/or transmission to third parties, including its negligent disclosure. The Data Recipient further undertakes and expressly declares that it will not misuse or use the Confidential information contrary to the purpose of this Agreement, contrary to the legitimate interests of the Data Provider, for its own benefit or for the benefit of third parties.
The. Declaration is drawn up in two equivalent copies, each party receives one copy. The Declaration parties by signing this declaration acknowledge that it will be published in the register of contracts. The Declaration parties confirm that they have read and accepted the contents before signing. They attach their signatures as evidence.
The. Operator will resolve the claim including the rectification of the defect without undue delay, no later than 30 days from the date of the claim. The 30-day period can be extended after the claim is filed upon agreement with the User – such an extension must not be indefinite or unreasonably long. After the expiration of the period, or the extended period, it is assumed that the defect actually existed and the User has the same rights as if it was a defect that cannot be rectified.
The. Data Provider may identify certain Confidential information as Highly Sensitive or Confidential. In that case, certain additional restrictions may apply to the handling of such Confidential information under the Data Provider's internal
The. Theatre shall comply with all fire safety regulations on the premises of the SND where the performance shall be hosted in line with this Agreement, as communicated by the SND to the Theatre prior to the endorsement of this Agreement, what Theatre confirms by signing this Agreement.
The. Theatre shall comply with all fire safety regulations on the premises of the SND where the performance shall be hosted in line with this Agreement, as communicated by the SND to the Theatre prior to the endorsement of this Agreement, what Theatre confirms by signing this Agreement. zugehörigen Kosten übernehmen. Für 10 Personen (10 Techniker) für 3 Nächte vom 8. bis 11. Juni 2017. Zimmerarten: 10 Einzelzimmer. Für 18 Personen (18 Schauspieler, Mitglieder des technischen Personals und des Managements) für 2 Nächte vom 9. bis 11. Juni 2017. Zimmerarten: 18 Einzelzimmer. Bedingungen für das Ein- und Auschecken werden vom Hotel vorgegeben. l) den Transport von Personal des Theaters vom Flughafen Wien nach Bratislava gemäß dem vom Theater vorgelegten Reiseplan organisieren und die zugehörigen Kosten übernehmen; m) den Transport innerhalb Bratislavas gemäß dem vom Theater vorgelegten Reiseplan organisieren und die zugehörigen Kosten übernehmen; n) Reisekosten / Flugkosten des Personals des Theaters nach Wien erstatten. Das Theater wird eine separate Rechnung basierend auf den tatsächlich entstandenen Kosten ausstellen. o) Die Kosten für den Transport von Bühne, Kostümen und Requisiten von Mannheim nach Bratislava erstatten. Das Theater wird eine separate Rechnung basierend auf den tatsächlich entstandenen Kosten ausstellen. p) dem Theater 8 kostenlose Eintrittskarten für die Aufführung zur Verfügung stellen; 2.3 Das Theater hält alle Brandschutzvorschriften auf dem Gelände des SND ein, wo die Aufführung im Einklang mit diesem Vertrag veranstaltet wird, wie vom SND vor der Bestätigung dieses Vertrags an das Theater mitgeteilt. 3
The. Commission Agent shall allow the Principal trading especially with foreign financial instruments registered on the relevant Foreign Market at the time of trade.
The. Commission Agent shall hold and charge the financial instruments and money entrusted by the Principal separately from the financial instruments, papers and money belonging to his assets, and, moreover, separately from the financial instruments and money of other Commission Agent clients.