Scope Vzorová ustanovení

Scope. This part of the specification (section B.) defines the basic design criteria and technical requirements for the complete design, delivery and checkout of new container/ portable core test cell for core (gas generator) of turboprop engine. The test cells will be used for the research, development and testing of a core (gas generator) of turboprop engine. The terms “vendor” and “supplier” as used in this specification shall refer to the company named in the contract for the work described in this specification. The words “shall” and “will” are to be understood as mandatory. The word “should” is to be understood as advisory. All work listed in this specification shall be performed by the Vendor unless specifically stated otherwise. The general scope of work (the project) for the Vendor shall include design, analysis, instructions, installation, fabrication, documentation/ drawings, checkout, training, and support on-site during commissioning and support off-site until the end of the certification process. The vendor has to have a proven experience designing and building container/ portable dynamometric test cells for turboprop or turboshaft engines. COTS: Commercial off-the-shelf SOW: Scope of Work DACS: Data Acquisition and Control System EU: Engineering Units FADEPC: Full Authority Digital Engine and Propeller Control HF: High-frequency LF: Low-frequency PGB: Propeller Gear Box AGB: Accessory Gear Box TEHW: Test Enabling Hardware ACOC: Air Cooled Oil Cooling HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning DDR: Detailed Design Review ITT: Inter Turbine Temperature
Scope. This part of the specification (section B.) defines the basic design criteria and technical requirements for the complete design, delivery and checkout of new outdoor & mobile propeller test standfor turboprop engine. The test cells will be used for the research, development and testing of a turboprop engine. The terms “supplier” and “supplier” as used in this specification shall refer to the company named in the contract for the work described in this specification. The words “shall” and “will” are to be understood as mandatory. The word “should” is to be understood as advisory. All work listed in this specification shall be performed by the Supplier unless specifically stated otherwise. The general scope of work (the project) for the Supplier shall include design, analysis, instructions, installation, fabrication, documentation/ drawings, checkout, training, and support on-site during commissioning and support off-site until the end of the certification process. The supplier has to have a proven experience designing and building outdoor & mobile propeller test standfor turboprop or turboshaft engines. COTS: Commercial off-the-shelf SOW: Scope of Work DACS: Data Acquisition and Control System EU: Engineering Units FADEPC: Full Authority Digital Engine and Propeller Control CVUT: Czech Technical University HF: High-frequency LF: Low-frequency PGB: Propeller Gear Box AGB: Accessory Gear Box TEHW: Test Enabling Hardware ACOC: Air Cooled Oil Cooling HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning DDR: Detailed Design Review
Scope. General Terms and Conditions of LTE Logistik a Transport Slovakia, s.r.o.
Scope. 1.1 Pokud společnost Gilead neurčí písemně jinak, tato smlouva se vztahuje na prodej přípravku Yescarta společností Gilead poskytovateli s tím, že jsou vyloučeny jakékoli další obchodní podmínky vydané poskytovatelem (včetně všech případných podmínek platných pro objednávky nebo podmínek vztahujících se na dodávky zboží a potvrzování objednávek nebo jakýchkoli dalších dokumentů nebo podmínek, které vyplývají z obvyklých obchodních postupů nebo z průběhu obchodování). 1.2 Popisy, specifikace nebo ilustrace obsažené v katalozích, brožurách, prezentacích nebo dalších materiálech společnosti Gilead (ať již v online nebo tištěné podobě) jsou vytvářené za účelem získání přibližné představy o léčivých přípravcích. Takové popisy, specifikace nebo ilustrace nejsou součástí této smlouvy a nemají ani žádnou smluvní závaznost. Dále platí, že zaměstnanci nebo zástupci společnosti Gilead nejsou oprávněni předkládat jakákoli tvrzení týkající se přípravku Yescarta pokud tato tvrzení nejsou potvrzena písemně společností Gilead. Společnost Gilead nenese odpovědnost za žádné případné rady nebo doporučení, která poskytne kterýkoli z jejích zaměstnanců nebo zástupců v souvislosti se skladováním nebo užíváním přípravku Yescarta, pokud tyto rady nebo tato doporučení nebudou písemně potvrzeny společností Gilead. 1.3 Společnost Gilead je oprávněna jakékoli 1.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Gilead, this Agreement applies to the sale of Yescarta by Gilead to Provider to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions issued by Provider (including, without limitation, any purchase order terms or terms for the supply of goods, confirmation of order or any other document, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing). 1.2 Any descriptions, specifications or illustrations contained in Gilead’s catalogues, brochures, presentations or other materials (whether online or in paper form) are produced for the sole purpose of giving an approximate idea of the products described. They shall not form part of this Agreement nor have any contractual force. Further, Xxxxxx’x employees or agents are not authorised to make any claims about Yescarta unless those claims are confirmed in writing by Gilead. Gilead will not be liable for any advice or recommendation that any of its employees or agents provides about storing or using Yescarta unless it has been confirmed in writing by Gilead. 1.3 Gilead is entitled to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement via de...

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