Services Vzorová ustanovení

Services. You can have the location and position of your vehicle displayed remotely. The current position of the mobile end device used for this function is also displayed on a map. If no current position of the vehicle is available (e.g. because it is parked in an underground garage), the most recently saved GPS position is used. By activating the privacy mode, you can deactivate the transfer of data.
Services. News services that are available via the Internet using RSS feeds can be called up in the vehicle via PCM and read out using the voice function.
Services. You can remotely check the status of the heating and/or air conditioning system and activate or deactivate them as follows. Once the heating and/or air conditioning has been successfully activated or deactivated, you will receive a confirmation message or a push notification. You also have the option to remotely set the Climate Timer for remote heating and/or air conditioning. Once it is set, you will receive a confirmation message or a push notification on your mobile device when an activated Climate Timer has expired.
Services. 800 EUR - Expenses for foreign experts participating by solving particular problem of research project (80 EUR x 10 days). 200 EUR - Contract of services for an undergraduate student participating on particular tasks of project . 100 EUR - Printing costs for conference posters.
Services. 1. Xxxxxxx s.r.o. is a business company providing its clients with control and sorting services and administrative and technical services associated with the above mentioned. The client is interested to enter in a commercial-legal relationship with Xxxxxxx s.r.o. consisting of providing:
Services. 10. Information Society & Media
Services. Fees for publishing research results in CC journals: 1,500 EUR Routine service and repair of equipment used in the project solution, gas bottle rental: 1,200 EUR Budged: 2,700 EUR
Services. You have the option to check the status of your vehicle remotely on the smartphone. The service comprises the display of the outer casing status (e.g. status of the doors), the display of service intervals or the mileage.
Services. You have the option to check the trip data of your vehicle remotely. This includes: Driving time, route, average speed and average consumption for all types of journey (short, recurring, long).
Services. These Subscription Terms only provide for the licensing and support of the Subscription. If the Customer desires for Hexagon to provide Services for implementation, configuration, training, or other work in relation to the Subscription, then Customer may contract with Hexagon pursuant to these Master Terms for Services. 2.3 Služby. Tyto Podmínky předplatného upravují pouze licencování a podporu Předplatného. Pokud si Zákazník přeje, aby společnost Hexagon poskytovala Služby pro účely implementace, konfigurace, školení nebo jiných prací souvisejících s Předplatným, pak si může Zákazník tyto Služby objednat u společnosti Hexagon podle těchto Rámcových podmínek.