Business eksempelklausuler

Business. Day – Monday till Friday except public and bank holidays in Malta and/or Denmark.
Business. Relations with the EU are essential for UK companies to do business with the rest of Europe, though new trade barriers flowing from the TCA are still hindering UK-EU trade. Nearly all companies have faced challenges during the transition, though the majority have adapted to the new circumstances. Companies based in Northern Ireland were considered to have significant benefits due to the Protocol. Despite difficulties, the overall situation is assessed to have improved recently. Small businesses still view the EU as the most important market, which is why they are trying to preserve good relations with counterpart organisations. Like larger UK companies, small businesses are also keen to engage with the EU and counterpart organisations. According to the latest data from the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), 61% of members have been able to meet the TCA requirements. On the other hand, there was not much evidence that trade with markets other than the EU market could compensate for the partial loss of EU trade. The key issues identified were transportation costs and disruption, tariffs, customs procedures, etc. There is a general dissatisfaction with the TCA, which from the point of view of business should offer more than just a mechanism for managing divergence. At this point, Brexit has been generally accepted as a fait accompli, which, however, is accompanied by a desire for close and functional trade relations. Insufficient supply of seasonal labour remains a serious concern in some sectors. Increased immigration from the rest of the world had failed to replace lost and more specialised and skilled EU labour. This is an issue for which it is difficult to see how it can be effectively addressed. Technical skills are vital but are not addressed via temporary immigration and in a context of a limited framework. Hiring suitable staff is reportedly a major issue for UK businesses across multiple sectors. They are therefore in favour of expanding the number of "shortage occupation" visas5. Companies including food and drinks producers are generally in favour of remaining in the single market. There is little appetite for opening up the re-join debate, which means that the focus is likely to be more on how to enhance the EU-UK trade relationship. In this regard, business representatives stressed the need for negotiated Protocol solutions, disapproving of unilateral action. Indeed, UK business has been concerned by threats of unilateral action by the UK Govern...
Business. The voice of global companies which have a locus in Scotland was expressed. The Scottish Council for Development and Industry was represented. Alongside business they also include civil society bodies and universities among their affiliates. Brexit has had a severe economic impact on the Scottish economy, particularly on corporate industries such as the pharmaceutical industry, which has been faced with difficulties relating to health certificates and the availability of ingredients for products. Edinburgh has been the second most important UK centre for financial services, and Scotland is therefore expecting the EU and UK to elaborate and agree on the structure for regulatory cooperation on financial services. Services, including engineering services, are very important to Scotland and its world class universities need not be disadvantaged by Brexit. There is a need to work with industry to understand the frictions and the details of those tough domestic issues through the TCA and try to minimise trade frictions caused by overseas offices. The EU must work with UK counterparts to close any gaps, and deliver secure and digital borders. In addition, the UK should engage with the EU on policy development and impact assessment. At the heart of those disadvantaged in Scotland are small enterprises – there is evidence that those exporting to EU businesses are likely to suffer the loss of potential to achieve market scale and to grow. There is a growing concern about the UK Government's reluctance to be involved in a dialogue with the EU. Unless companies are thinking about environmental and social outcomes, alongside profitability, in five to ten years customers are not going to want to buy from them. Various organisations provide a platform to showcase companies' contribution towards social goals, and also to send the message that they are keen to work in partnership with the EU. What constitutes a successful economy in north-east Scotland will be different from the Highlands. It is not a one-size-fits-all, which is something that needs to be considered in future decision-making for Scotland. Some companies have had to make big changes, e.g. relocating storage units to EU countries. Medicines regulation and policy: trade policy should increase regulatory coherence between the UK and its trading partners, and encourage all countries to regulate medicines to the highest international standards. Developing formal channels of cooperation on medicines regulation wi...
Business. Salgsvilkår – Businesskunder – 14. marts 2024 – version 6.0

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