Liability eksempelklausuler

Liability. 13.1 Ferratum will have no liability for any loss or damage arising out of inaccurate or incorrect information provided by you. Ferratum will also have no liability for any losses arising out of circumstances which qualify as force majeure.
Liability. 9.1 Parterne er under ingen omstændigheder ansvarlige overfor hinanden for noget krav, søgsmål, ansvarsgrundlag og/eller ansvar for driftsforstyrrelser; tab af omsætning, tab af indkomst, tab af fortjeneste eller forventede besparelser, tab af kontrakter eller forretningsmuligheder, og tab af renter; tab af anvendelsesmuligheder; tab på grund af (hel eller delvis) indstilling af driften og/eller nedlukning; eller for eventuelle særlige-, indirekte-, tilfældige-, pønale- eller følgetab, uanset om disse er baseret på aftalebrud, brud på garanti, erstatning udenfor kontrakt (herunder, men ikke begrænset til ansvar grundet uagtsomhed eller grundet skærpet ansvar), eller på anden måde, og uanset om Parten er blevet underrettet om muligheden for sådanne tab. 9.1 In no event will either Party be liable to the other Party for any claims, suits, causes of action, and/or liability from business interruption; loss of revenue, loss of income, loss of profit or anticipated savings, loss of contracts or business opportunities, and loss of interest; loss of use; loss by reason (in whole or in part) of suspension of operations and/or shutdown; or from any special, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages, regardless of whether based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort (including, but not limited to, liability due to negligence or due to strict liability), or otherwise, even if such Party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Liability. 8.1. In the event of a delay, and in the event of defects in respect of deliveries, the Supplier shall not be liable if the respective delay or defect is due to: • Errors in or damage to production equipment, where it has been proven that the delay or damage has caused delay or damage to production. • Labour disputes of any kind. • In addition, any circumstance beyond the Supplier’s control, such as fire, water damage, natural disas- ters, war, general mobilization or unforeseen mili- tary call-up on a similar scale, requisitioning, sei- zure, riot, unrest currency restrictions, lack of means of transport, general goods shortages, power restrictions, export and import bans and other similar force majeure.
Liability. 3.1 The installation times indicated by DENIOS SE are guidelines, as delays may occur due to unforeseen circumstances beyond its control (force majeure). Days of bad weather and other effects of weather shall also be deemed force majeure.
Liability. In addition to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Maintenance and Installation, DENIOS SE’s liability shall be governed by the provisions of Section 6 of the General Terms and Conditions of Trade for Custom Production, retrievable from xxx.xxxxxx.xx.