Demarcation of stand space/Stand partition walls Musterklauseln

Demarcation of stand space/Stand partition walls. A solid demarcation of stand space from the neighbouring stands is mandatory. In the event that a stand construction system belonging to the exhibitor or rented from LMS is not used, non-transparent stand partition walls (back and side walls) at least 2.50 m in height are re- quired. The reverse side of the partition walls above 2.50 m must be neutral (white or light grey) and clean. If in excess of 3.50 m in height, the exhibitor must either maintain a neighbouring zone of 1 m or obtain the written consent of the stand neighbour. It is not permitted to use roll-ups and poster displays for stand demarcation. The cost of these stand partition walls is not included in the cost of the stand rental. Every exhibitor can order the required back and side walls for his stand from LMS in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (www.stuttgartmesseservi- xxxxxxxx.xx) and also with form “Stand partition walls“ in the services catalogue. Should no wall elements be ordered by the exhibitor but his stand space is surrounded by wall elements of the neighbouring stand or by wall elements already in place, the exhibitor will receive an invoice for these wall elements in accordance with the conditions specified in the Stutt- gart Messe Service Portal (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) and in form “Stand partition walls“ in the services catalogue.
Demarcation of stand space/Stand partition walls. A solid demarcation of stand space from the neighbouring stands is mandatory. In the event that a stand construction sys- tem belonging to the exhibitor or rented from LMS is not used, non-transparent stand partition walls (back and side walls) at least 2.50 m in height are required. The reverse side of the
Demarcation of stand space/Stand partition walls. A solid demarcation of stand space from the neighbouring stands is mandatory. In the event that a stand construction sys- tem belonging to the exhibitor or rented from LMS is not used, non-transparent stand partition walls (back and side walls) at least 2.50 m in height are required. The reverse side of the stand partition walls above 2.50 m must be neutral (white or light grey) and clean. It is not permitted to use roll-ups and poster displays for stand demarcation. The cost of these stand partition walls is not included in the cost of the stand rental. Every exhibitor can order the required back and side walls for his stand from LMS in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (www. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) and also with form “Stand partition walls“ in the services catalogue – if provided. Should the exhibitor not use any wall elements or stand construction systems to demarcate the hire stand space, but his stand space is surrounded by wall elements of the neighbouring stand or by wall elements already in place, the exhibitor will receive an invoice for the use of these wall elements in ac- cordance with the conditions specified in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) and in form “Stand partition walls“ in the services catalogue. It should be specifically noted that, depending on the wall system, a stand partition wall must have a supporting wall in place every four to five running metres.
Demarcation of stand space/Stand partition walls. A solid demarcation of stand space from the neighbouring stands is mandatory. In the event that a stand construction system belonging to the exhibitor or rented from LMS is not used, non-transparent stand partition walls (back and side walls) at least 2.50 m in height are re- quired. It is not permitted to use roll-ups and poster displays for stand demarcation. The cost of these stand partition walls is not included in the cost of the stand rental. These are ordered for the exhibitor by LMS during registration if there is no photographic or illustrative proof pro- vided within 14 days after stand confirmation that the exhibitor is using his own stand construction system or one rented from LMS during par- ticipation in the trade fair. It should be specifically noted that, depending on the wall system, a partition wall must have a supporting wall in place every four to five running metres.
Demarcation of stand space/Stand partition walls. A solid demarcation of stand space from the neighbouring stands is mandatory. In the event that a stand construction system belong- ing to the exhibitor or rented from LMS is not used, non-trans- parent stand partition walls (back and side walls) at least 2.5 m in height are required. It is not permitted to use roll-ups and post- er displays for stand demarcation. The cost of these stand par- tition walls is not included in the cost of the stand rental. These are ordered for the exhibitor by LMS during registration if there is no photographic or illustrative proof provided within 14 days after stand confirmation that the exhibitor is using his own stand construc- tion system or one rented from LMS during participation in the trade fair. It should be specifically noted that, depending on the wall system, a partition wall must have a supporting wall in place every four to five running metres. Should the exhibitor not use any wall elements or stand construction systems to demarcate the hire stand space, but his stand space is sur- rounded by wall elements of the neighbouring stand or by wall ele- ments already in place, the exhibitor will receive an invoice for the use of these wall elements in accordance with the conditions specified in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (www.stuttgartmesseserviceportal. de) and in form “Stand partition walls“ in the services catalogue.
Demarcation of stand space/Stand partition walls. A solid demarcation of stand space from the neighbouring stands is mandatory. In the event that a stand construction system belonging to the exhibitor or rented from LMS or via the corresponding service pro- vider of HMC is not used, non-transparent stand partition walls (back and side walls) at least 2.50 m in height are required. It is not permitted to use roll-ups and poster displays for stand demarcation. The cost of these stand partition walls is not included in the cost of the stand rental. Every exhibitor can order the required back and side walls for his stand from LMS in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (www.stuttgartmesseser- xxxxxxxxxx.xx) or in the linked online service center from HMC. Should the exhibitor not use any wall elements or stand construction systems to demarcate the hire stand space, but his stand space is surrounded by wall elements of the neighbouring stand or by wall elements already in place, the exhibitor will receive an invoice for the use of these wall elements in accordance with the conditions specified in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (www.stuttgartmesseserviceportal. de) or the charging conditions of the HMC online service center.
Demarcation of stand space/Stand partition walls. A solid demarcation of stand space from the neighbouring stands is mandatory. In the event that a stand construction system belonging to the exhibitor or rented from LMS is not used, non-transparent stand partition walls (back and side walls) at least 2.5 m in height are required. It is not permitted to use roll-ups and poster displays for stand demar- cation. The cost of these stand partition walls is not included in the cost of the stand rental. Every exhibitor can order the required back and

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  • Unmöglichkeit; Vertragsanpassung 1. Soweit die Lieferung unmöglich ist, ist der Besteller berechtigt, Schadensersatz zu verlangen, es sei denn, dass der Lieferer die Unmöglichkeit nicht zu vertreten hat. Jedoch beschränkt sich der Schadensersatzanspruch des Bestellers auf 10 % des Wertes desjenigen Teils der Lieferung, der wegen der Unmöglichkeit nicht in zweckdienlichen Betrieb genommen werden kann. Diese Beschränkung gilt nicht, soweit in Fällen des Vorsatzes, der groben Fahrlässigkeit oder wegen der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit zwingend gehaftet wird; eine Änderung der Beweislast zum Nachteil des Bestellers ist hiermit nicht verbunden. Das Recht des Bestellers zum Rücktritt vom Vertrag bleibt unberührt.