CALENDAR Musterklauseln

CALENDAR. 2.1 Duration of the event: 2.2 Opening times for visitors: 2.3 The exhibition opening times are binding for all exhibitors. Only in exceptional cases with the express authorisation from trade fair management can these times be altered. 2.4 Stand set-up and dismantling times Stand set-up begins: 2.5 All vehicles must be removed from the areas around the halls by 20.00 hours at the latest on the last day of stand set-up to allow cleaning work to be performed. 2.6 Any exhibition stand not occupied by 18.00 hours on the last day of stand set-up will be locked after then by LMS at the expense of the respective exhibitor. Please refer specifically to 6.2.2 of the General Exhibiting Conditions. 2.7 If an exhibition already underway is wholly or partially cancelled or interrupted due to reasons outside the control of LMS, withdrawal from the contract or enforcement of compensation claims shall be excluded.
CALENDAR. 2.1 Duration of the event: 2.2 Opening times for visitors: 2.3 The exhibition opening times are binding for all exhibi- tors. Only in exceptional cases with the express authorisation from trade fair management can these times be altered. 2.4 Stand set-up and dismantling times Stand set-up begins:
CALENDAR. 2.1 Duration of the event: 2.2 Opening times for visitors: 2.3 The exhibition opening times are binding for all exhibitors. Only in exceptional cases with the express authorisation from trade fair management can these times be altered. 2.4 Stand set-up and dismantling times Stand set-up begins: 2.5 All vehicles must be removed from the areas around the halls by 20.00 hours at the latest on the last day of stand set-up to allow cleaning work to be performed. 2.6 Any exhibition stand not occupied by 20.00 hours on the last day of stand set-up will be locked after then by LMS at the expense of the respective exhibitor. Please refer specifically to 6.2.2 of the General Exhibiting Conditions. 2.7 If an exhibition already underway is wholly or partially cancelled or interrupted due to reasons outside the control of LMS, withdrawal from the contract or enforcement of compensation claims shall be excluded. 2.8 Eine verbindliche Anmeldung zu der Ausstellung liegt nur dann vor, wenn diese auf dem Anmeldeformular der LMS unter Anerkennung der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (Allgemeine Teilnahmebedin- gungen, Besondere Teilnahmebedingungen, Technische Richtlinien, der AGB Service, sowie der Hausordnung) der LMS erfolgt ist.
CALENDAR. 2.1 Duration of the event: 2.2 Opening times for visitors: 2.3 The exhibition opening times are binding for all exhibi- tors. Only in exceptional cases with the express authorisation from trade fair management can these times be altered. 2.4 Stand set-up and dismantling times Stand set-up begins: 2.5 Sämtliche Fahrzeuge sind am letzten Aufbautag bis spä- testens 20.00 Uhr wegen Reinigungsarbeiten aus den Hallen- bereichen zu fahren. 2.6 Messestände, die bis 18.00 Uhr am letzten Aufbautag nicht belegt sind, werden auf Kosten des jeweiligen Ausstel- lers von der LMS geschlossen. Es wird ausdrücklich auf 6.2.2 der Allgemeinen Teilnahmebedingungen verwiesen. 2.7 Sollte eine bereits eröffnete Ausstellung infolge von Er- eignissen, die außerhalb der Verfügungsmacht der LMS lie- gen, ganz oder teilweise abgebrochen oder unterbrochen werden, ist ein Rücktritt vom Vertrag oder die Geltendma- chung eines Schadensersatzanspruches ausgeschlossen.
CALENDAR. 2.1 Duration of the event: 2.2 Opening times for visitors: 2.3 The exhibition opening times are binding for all exhibitors. Only in exceptional cases with the express authorisation from trade fair management can these times be altered. 2.4 Stand set-up and dismantling times Stand set-up begins: 2.5 All vehicles must be removed from the areas around the halls by 20.00 hours at the latest on the last day of stand set-up to allow cleaning work to be performed. 2.6 Any exhibition stand not occupied by 20.00 hours on the last day of stand set-up will be locked after then by LMS at the expense of the respective exhibitor. Please refer specifically to 6.2.2 of the General Exhibiting Conditions. 2.7 If an exhibition already underway is wholly or partially cancelled or interrupted due to reasons outside the control of LMS, withdrawal from the contract or enforcement of compensation claims shall be excluded. 2.8 Eine verbindliche Anmeldung zu der Ausstellung liegt nur dann vor, wenn diese auf dem Anmeldeformular der LMS unter Anerkennung der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (Allgemeine Teilnahmebedin- gungen, Besondere Teilnahmebedingungen, Technische Richtlinien, der AGB Service, sowie der Hausordnung) der LMS erfolgt ist.