Prices and Payment Conditions Musterklauseln

Prices and Payment Conditions. 4.1 All prices quoted by us are exclusive value-added tax, import duty and any possible arising taxes or costs.
Prices and Payment Conditions. The current prices and durations are published by SESSANELLA GmbH on xxxxxxxxxx.xx and SESSANELLA GmbH reserves the right to amend and adjust the prices and durations at any time. The prices to be paid are based on the price list valid at the time of the order confirmation. If the prices are incorrect, SESSANELLA GmbH can reject the contract. At the time of booking a minimum down payment of 30% of the total price is due to validate your reservation. The full amount has to be paid in each case 60 days at the latest before arrival. If the time of booking is within the 60 days before the start of rental, the total price is to be paid directly after booking. The prices include the provision of the ordered services pursuant to the description at xxxxxxxxxx.xx and Additional services (e.g. cooking, washing, excursions) will be charged separately, pursuant to the agreement with the Customer. In the event of non-payment or delayed payment of the invoice, the Customer will be charged arrears interest. In addition, the Customer must reimburse all dunning and collection fees incurred for collecting the claims of SESSANELLA GmbH, as well as any pre- litigation costs. If the Customer does not commence travel, this does not release him or her from the obligation to pay.
Prices and Payment Conditions. 1. The prices shall be specified in writing in the respective individual orders. Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, these prices are fixed prices and unchangeable until complete delivery and exclude subsequent claims of any kind. Ausgedruckt unterliegt das Dokument nicht dem Änderungsdienst
Prices and Payment Conditions. Delivery will be made unpacked ex-works. A premium depending on the means of shipment will be charged for express shipments. Prices will be invoiced in CHF. For deliveries within Switzerland, invoices will be issued exclusively in CHF. Payments in EURO or in any other foreign currency will be accepted only with prior mutual agreement. Changes in the exchange rate can lead to the adjustment of the foreign currency prices. The amounts of the invoices will be due for payment 30 days after the date of the invoice at the latest, net and without deductions, unless agreed otherwise in writing. STS retains the right to deliver only against pre-payment under certain conditions. The prices are to be quoted excluding VAT. Remittance only accepted via bank transfer. All bank charges are fully borne by the buyer.

Related to Prices and Payment Conditions

  • Unmöglichkeit; Vertragsanpassung 1. Soweit die Lieferung unmöglich ist, ist der Besteller berechtigt, Schadensersatz zu verlangen, es sei denn, dass der Lieferer die Unmöglichkeit nicht zu vertreten hat. Jedoch beschränkt sich der Schadensersatzanspruch des Bestellers auf 10 % des Wertes desjenigen Teils der Lieferung, der wegen der Unmöglichkeit nicht in zweckdienlichen Betrieb genommen werden kann. Diese Beschränkung gilt nicht, soweit in Fällen des Vorsatzes, der groben Fahrlässigkeit oder wegen der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit zwingend gehaftet wird; eine Änderung der Beweislast zum Nachteil des Bestellers ist hiermit nicht verbunden. Das Recht des Bestellers zum Rücktritt vom Vertrag bleibt unberührt.

  • Swaps Swapgeschäfte sind Tauschverträge, bei denen die dem Geschäft zugrunde liegenden Zahlungsströme oder Risiken zwischen den Vertragspartnern ausgetauscht werden. Die Gesellschaft darf für Rechnung des Fonds im Rahmen der Anlagegrundsätze • Zins- • Währungs- • Zins-Währungs- • Varianz- • Equity- • Credit Default-Swapgeschäfte abschließen.