Fixed prices Musterklauseln

Fixed prices. The prices stated in the offer or order of the principal are fixed prices. Surcharges or expenses, costs (of any kind whatsoever) will not be accepted. The subsequent introduction of surcharges by the contractor is only permissible if the diesel price on the day of loading has increased by more than 30% compared to the day of the conclusion of the contract. The basis for calculation is the fuel price index of the Austrian Ministry of climate action and energy (Treibstoffpreise aktuell (xxx.xx.xx)).
Fixed prices. The prices quoted in the offer or order of the principal are fixed prices. Surcharges or expenses, costs (of any kind) are not accepted.
Fixed prices. The prices stated in the offer or order of the princi- pal are fixed prices. Surcharges or expenses, costs (of any kind whatsoever) will not be accepted.
Fixed prices. The prices quoted in the offer or order of the principal are fixed prices. Surcharges or expenses, costs (of any kind) are not accepted. The goods may only be unloaded at the recipient address or delivery address specified in the transport order / waybill. Changes may only be made with the explicit approval of the principal. If the details in the waybill deviate from the transport order, this must be coordinated with the principal prior to execution. The transport order is binding, unless an objection occurs within one hour from receipt by the LSP. The LSP has to arrive at the loading place with his vehicle at the agreed loading date and time. If the vehicle is not provided, a contractual penalty of 80% of the freight (regardless of fault), which is excluded from the judge`s mitigation right and is independent of the actual damage, is due. For the late arrival at the place of loading a strict penalty of € 100, - per hour of delay is due. Any further claims remain unaffected in both cases. Unloading dates are deemed to be delivery times according to Art. 19 CMR. The loading and unloading dates are absolute fixed dates. The LSP acknowledges that adherence of the delivery dates is particularly important to the principal and he therefore has a particularly important interest in meeting the delivery deadlines. In case of delays of any kind, the principal must be informed immediately. If the LSP does not comply with this obligation, the principal is entitled to deduct 30% of the freight. For a delay in delivery, a contractual penalty in the amount of € 100, - per hour is due, regardless of fault. Any further claims remain unaffected. Furthermore, in the event of a delay in delivery, a processing fee of € 75, - will be due. Before accepting the transport order, the LSP must check whether the delivery deadline can be met.