Fixed prices. The prices stated in the offer or order of the princi- pal are fixed prices. Surcharges or expenses, costs (of any kind whatsoever) will not be accepted.
Fixed prices. The prices quoted in the offer or order of the principal are fixed prices. Surcharges or expenses, costs (of any kind) are not accepted.
Fixed prices. The prices stated in the offer or order of the principal are fixed prices. Surcharges or expenses, costs (of any kind whatsoever) will not be accepted. The subsequent introduction of surcharges by the contractor is only permissible if the diesel price on the day of loading has increased by more than 30% compared to the day of the conclusion of the contract. The basis for calculation is the fuel price index of the Austrian Ministry of climate action and energy (Treibstoffpreise aktuell (xxx.xx.xx)).
Fixed prices. The prices stated in the offer or order of the prin- cipal are fixed prices. Surcharges or expenses, costs (of any kind whatsoever) will only be accept- ed through separate written agreement.