Sample Musterklauseln

Sample zwischen dem STUDIERENDENWERK ULM Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts, Xxxxx-Xxxxxx-Xxxx 0, 00000 Xxx - Vermieter- und § 1 Der Vermieter vermietet dem Mieter/der Mieterin im Studierendenwohnhaus Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxx. 00, 00000 Xxx das un-/möblierte Zimmer - Appartement mit der Nr. 01-02-23-0 ab 01.03.2021, 12.00 Uhr, und zwar befristet bis zum 31.03.2024 § 2
Sample. Participants were recruited via articles and interviews in the local press between April 2011 and January 2012. In recruiting materials for women in the PMS group, typical premenstrual symptoms (taken from the PMS Inventory, e.g. “Do you notice these symptoms during the week before menses?”) were listed. Recruiting materials for control participants announced that women who do not experience mental or physical changes during the menstrual cycle (“Do you feel as usual during the week before your menses starts?”) can take part in a study on coping with emotions. Additionally, for recruiting participants to the PMS group, local gynecologists were asked to inform their patients about the study. Recruitment materials directed interested participants to an online survey (see description of study procedure below). For an overview of general and group-specific inclusion criteria, see Table 5.1. Women who were eligible for the PMS group in our study had to experience at least five of the symptoms listed in the Note of Table 5.1 over two consecutive monitored menstrual cycles. This means that all of our PMS participants fulfilled the ACOG criteria of PMS (requiring the appearance of at least one of the various affective, psychological, and physical symptoms), but not necessarily the very strict PMDD criteria defined in the DSM-5 (which require at least five symptoms out of the different symptom clusters). This was how we came to a compromise between the rather less strict ACOG criteria and the very strict DSM-5 criteria. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz (Germany). By signing the informed consent, n=270 of the N=400 women who were initially interested decided to participate. Due to different reasons, n=155 participants had to be excluded (see the flowchart in Figure 6.1). The final sample consisted of n=54 women with PMS and n=52 female non-PMS control participants.
Sample. The German version is authoritative and shall apply to any disputes arising from this contract.
Sample. 4.4 The Tenant has the right to use the kitchen assigned to his housing area. Cooking utensils and supplies are to be stored in their personal storage area within the kitchen, so far as it would have been assigned . The Tenant is committed to make sure the kitchen is in a clean and tidy state at all times in order to ensure that other Tenants may use it. The Landlord has the same access to the kitchen as to all other communal areas in order to conduct inspections. The Landlord may also allow cleaning personnel to enter the kitchen, as well as to remove any utensils left around violating Sentence 2 of this Clause 4.4. The Landlord may also enter the kitchen when a Tenant is moving in or out of the residence. In addition, the Tenant is entitled to use the laundry and drying rooms in accordance with the Residence Facility's Rules of Conduct (ANNEX 1). For the rest please refer to Section 6 “Use of Leased Premises”.
Sample. Section 3 Rent Section 4 Operating Costs Section 5 Lease Deposit Section 6 Use of Leased Premises
Sample. Section 7 Structural Modifications
Sample. 2. Section 566 Paragraph 2 BGB is explicitly waived, e.g. the Landlord shall not be held liable even then as a guarantor if a buyer does not fulfill his obligations vis-à-vis the Tenant.
Sample. Please check the relevant box **) Please fill out Agreements concerning the Tenancy Agreements deviating from the Residence Rules of Conduct shall take priority over the Residence Rules of Conduct. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Studentenwerk München) (Tenant) The Studentenwerk München wants to offer its residents the opportunity to live comfortably and to study in quiet surroundings. When many people live together in comparably close quarters, certain rules must be complied with and special consideration given to co-residents as well as residents of the neighbourhood. Therefore, we ask that you carefully observe and diligently comply with the following Residence Rules of Conduct. Every Tenant must ensure that even his/her guest comply with the rules and regulations set forth therein.
Sample. 8. Radio and Television Reception
Sample. The network access is intended for personal use. The subscriber is responsible for their use of it. Other persons may only use the network under supervision of the subscriber. All persons below the age of 18 are generally excluded from the use of the network; unless they themselves are the subscriber and their parents or guardian agree to these user regulations. The subscriber will be granted network access to the residence’s LAN network within their premises. The LAN network is based on the TCP/IP protocol family via Ethernet. This applies to the internal LAN traffic as well as access to the LRZ. The access to the LRZ runs over suitable connections (e.g. user-to-user connection). The subscriber’s network address (IP-Address) and domain names (DNS) will be assigned. The network management (the Munich Student Union or a representative) is capable of and reserves the right to control data traffic in the LAN and user-to-user connection. However, the enforcement of this right is restricted to cases where it is necessary for administrative reasons (e.g. unauthorized access, examination of disturbances). Statistical data concerning the use and capacity utilization of the LAN and external connection will be regularly collected. This data is anonymized, used solely internally, and deleted after 80 days at the latest. The following subscriber data can be passed on to the operation of the LAN’s commissaries by the Student Union: ▪ Name and current address; ▪ Address of the main residence; ▪ The tenant’s account number; ▪ IP addresses of the connection owner. The following data can also be forwarded to the LRZ upon their request: ▪ Name and current address; ▪ University and matriculation number. For subscribers in a hall of residence in Rosenheim, this data can also be forwarded to the University of Rosenheim upon their request. The network traffic and connection data of a subscriber can be logged and evaluated upon reasonable suspicion of a violation of the terms in § 5 by them or other subscribers. The subscriber is committed: