License plates-Definition

License plates. If the loading order contains no license plates at all,
License plates. If the loading order contains no license plates at all, if they are not correct or if they change, the contrac- tor is obliged to inform the principal of the correct license plates immediately. This way, the contractor avoids delays in loading and processing of the freight invoice. 8. Freight invoices, term of payment, proof of delivery The contractor's freight invoices are only due for payment when the invoice has been verifiably sent to the principal together with the original transport documents (CMR consignment note, delivery notes, pallet notes etc.). The contractor bears the risk for the transmission of these documents. The contractor is aware that an invoice can only be issued to the principal’s customers if proof of deliv- ery is sent in full and in good time. The contractor therefore undertakes to send all transport docu- ments, such as delivery notes, consignment notes, pallet notes etc., to the principal in original within 10 days at the latest. If this deadline is not met, a pro- cessing fee of € 30,- is due, without prejudice to oth- er rights. The term of payment is 60 days, whereby this 60 - day period only begins when the invoice and the above mentioned transport documents have been
License plates. If the loading order contains no license plates at all, if they are not correct or if they change, the contrac- tor is obliged to inform the principal of the correct license plates immediately. This way, the contractor avoids delays in loading and processing of the freight invoice. 10. Obligation to report damage The contractor is obliged to report every case of damage immediately to the principal and the con- tractor's freight forwarder’s liability insurance. In the event of damage exceeding the amount of € 2000,- the contractor must immediately commission an au- thorised expert or claims agent to assess the dam- age. The contractor must - in the case of other

Examples of License plates in a sentence

  • License plates If the loading order contains no license plates at all, if they are not correct or if they change, the contrac- tor is obliged to inform the principal of the correct license plates immediately.

More Definitions of License plates

License plates. If the loading order contains no license plates at all, if they are not correct or if they change, the contrac-

Related to License plates

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  • Personenbezogene Daten “ alle Informationen, die sich auf eine identifizierte oder identifizierbare natürliche Person (im Folgenden „betroffene Person“) beziehen; als identifizierbar wird eine natürliche Person angesehen, die direkt oder indirekt, insbesondere mittels Zuordnung zu einer Kennung wie einem Namen, zu einer Kennnummer, zu Standortdaten, zu einer Online-Kennung oder zu einem oder mehreren besonderen Merkmalen identifiziert werden kann, die Ausdruck der physischen, physiologischen, genetischen, psychischen, wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen oder sozialen Identität dieser natürlichen Person sind;

  • Geschäftstag “ im Sinne dieser Anleihebedingungen ist jeder Tag (außer einem Samstag oder Sonntag), an dem (i) das Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System 2 (TARGET2) oder ein entsprechendes Nachfolgesystem und (ii) Clearstream geöffnet sind und Zahlungen abwickeln.

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