Accelerated Benefit definition
Examples of Accelerated Benefit in a sentence
In order to receive any Accelerated Benefit under this Agreement, Insured must qualify as “Terminally” or “Chronically” ill under the terms of and as required by the individual Policy(ies).
An Accelerated Benefit may be received through either a “Terminal Illness Rider” (generally requiring that an Insured’s life expectancy is less than 12 months) or a “Chronic Illness Rider” (generally requiring that an Insured is unable to care for themself or requires substantial assistance and that the condition either has/is expected to last for a specified duration).
If Insured has either requested an Accelerated Benefit prior to Separating From Service or if they have retained the right to receive an Accelerated Benefit after Separating From Service, then this Agreement shall terminate in its entirety only upon either (i) the mutual written agreement of the Bank and Insured, or (ii) upon Insured requesting and receiving an Accelerated Benefit in the full amount they are (or may be) entitled to receive pursuant to the provisions of Section 7 above.
Notwithstanding the forgoing, this Agreement shall immediately terminate in its entirety in the event Insured is Terminated For Cause at any time or in the event Insured is no longer entitled to receive a Death benefit or an Accelerated Benefit.
Any Accelerated Benefit paid to the Insured hereunder shall be deducted from any amounts to which Insured or their Beneficiary(ies) is (or may be) entitled pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 6 of the Split Dollar Agreement.