Examples of Active range of motion in a sentence
Active range of motion may be affected, usually only in severe cases.
KEY WORDS: Complex regional pain syndrome, Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Hyperaesthesia, Visual Analogue Scale, Active range of motion Pain is the most common symptom with which patients seek medical consultation and its management involves tremendous health care expenditure.
Active range of motion of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, and ankle was measured.
Level of Evidence: Level IIIntroduction Active range of motion and function are difficult to assess in young children due to multiple factors inclusive of inability to understand verbal and gestural commands, limited attention span, underdeveloped neuromuscular control and fear of the examination process [9, 10].
Active range of motion was limited to 90° of abduction and elevation for 6 weeks.
Active range of motion of the head and cervical spine: a three-dimensional investigation in healthy young adults.
Active range of motion may be decreased due to restricted joint mobility, muscle weakness, pain, inability to follow instructions and / or unwillingness to move.
Active range of motion (client does exercise with coaching, aide supports joints) - PCA may assist6.
Active range of motion (AROM) was measured and force measurements were obtained with hand-held dynamometers.
Active range of motion and joint position error of the neck in desktop users and laptop users (mean ± SD).