Examples of Change of use in a sentence
Change of use from defence establishment to provide a museum/education facility (D1 use class) 103 dwelling (C3 class) with associated car parking, ancillary service/accommodation, energy centre, works to landscape (including open space provision, boundary fencing and removal of trees) with improved means of access to the common, and including alterations and partial demolition of the mansion house, alterations and extension of building 7.
Change of use (and partial demolition) of Block F to part Class C3 (7 residential units) and construction of a roof extension.
Change of use of existing bungalows (Use Class C2) to residential accommodation where care is provided (Use Class C3(b)) with construction of associated parking court and access driveway from Fulford Park (resubmission).
Change of use of land from agricultural to a Wader and Brent Geese Refuge Area.
Substantial renovations are defined as one of the following types of projects:o Change of use and reconstruction of an existing building or space withino Construction work of a nature requiring that the building or space within be out of service for at least 30 consecutive dayso Reconstruction of a vacant structure or space within• Intended Use: The intended use of the building must be for residential purposes.