Active Subscribers definition
Examples of Active Subscribers in a sentence
If Affiliate makes available Subscribed Bouquet(s) to Active Subscribers as part of Package(s), then Subscription Fee for a particular month for each such Subscribed Bouquet(s) shall be such amount as shall be computed in the following manner, plus applicable taxes, levies and cess: Subscription Fee=Bouquet RTA of the applicable Subscribed Bouquet(s) multipliedwith the applicable Average Active Subscriber Base of Package forthe applicable Package(s).
If Affiliate makes available Subscribed Bouquet(s) to Active Subscribers as part of Package(s), then Subscription Fee for a particular month for each such Subscribed Bouquet(s) shall be such amount as shall be computed in the following manner, plus applicable taxes, levies and cess: Subscription Fee = Bouquet RTA of the applicable Subscribed Bouquet(s) m ultipliedwith the applicable Average Active Subscriber Base of Package for the applicable Package(s).
In the case of NTT Group’s fixed-line business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues of NTT Group’s regional communications business segment (i.e., fixed-line (telephone subscriber lines plus INS-Net subscriber lines) and FLET’S Hikari) by the number of Active Subscribers to the relevant services.
If Affiliate makes available the Channel(s) subscribed by the Affiliate on a-la-carte basis as part of Package(s) offered to Active Subscribers, then Subscription Fee for a particular month for each such Channel forming part of Package(s) shall be the amount as shall be computed in the following manner, plus applicable taxes, levies and cess: Subscription Fee=A-la-carte RTA of the applicable Channel multiplied with theapplicable Average Active Subscriber Base of Package for theapplicable Package(s).
If Affiliate makes available the Channel(s) subscribed by the Affiliate on a-la-carte basis as part of Package(s) offered to Active Subscribers, then Subscription Fee for a particular month for each such Channel forming part of Package(s) shall be the amount as shall be computed in the following manner, plus applicable taxes, levies and cess: Subscription Fee = A-la-carte RTA of the applicable Channel multiplied with theapplicable Average Active Subscriber Base of Package for the applicable Package(s).