Adjusted Required Redemption Amount definition
Examples of Adjusted Required Redemption Amount in a sentence
This may adversely affect later maturing Series of Covered Bonds if the Selected Loans sold to redeem an earlier maturing Series of Covered Bonds are sold for less than the Adjusted Required Redemption Amount and accordingly the LLP is required to apply other assets in the Portfolio (i.e. Principal Receipts) to redeem that earlier maturing Series of Covered Bonds.
However, if a Notice to Pay has been served, the Selected Loans may not be sold by the LLP for less than an amount equal to the Adjusted Required Redemption Amount for the relevant Series of Covered Bonds until six months prior to the Final Maturity Date in respect of such Covered Bonds or (if the same is specified as applicable in the relevant Final Terms) the Extended Due for Payment Date in respect of such Covered Bonds.
In the six months prior to, as applicable, the Final Maturity Date or Extended Due for Payment Date, the LLP is obliged to sell the Selected Loans and their Related Security for the best price reasonably available notwithstanding that such price may be less than the Adjusted Required Redemption Amount.
If Selected Loans are not sold for an amount equal to or in excess of the Adjusted Required Redemption Amount, the LLP may have insufficient funds available to pay the Covered Bonds.On the Final Maturity Date of a Series of Covered Bonds or, as applicable on each Interest Payment Date up to and including, the Extended Due for Payment Date, the LLP will apply all proceeds standing to the credit of the GIC Account to redeem the relevant Series of Covered Bonds.
The sale price of the Partial Portfolio (as a proportion of the Adjusted Required Redemption Amount) shall be at least equal to the proportion that the Partial Portfolio bears to the relevant portfolio of Selected Mortgage Receivables.