ADS function definition
Examples of ADS function in a sentence
With one ADS valve known to be incapable of automatic operation, five valves remain OPERABLE to perform the ADS function.
Figure 17: The various WSOG colour levels for the “watch” circle.The reference point (centre) is the well location and the outermost perimeter is disconnection, where the ADS function should ideally coincide with the black circle.
Using the proper MODES does not change theintent or any operating conditions.The footnote "*SRVs which perform an ADS function must also satisfy the OPERABILITY requirements of Specification 3.5.F, Core and Containment Cooling Systems." is being added to this LCO.
The need to exchange this data with surrounding aircraft may be covered by the ADS Broadcast capability of the ADS function (ADS-B).
After the instrument has leveled automatically for about 3 seconds, the ADS function is activated.Thepower indicator will blink quickley, and automatic leveling function shuts off when the instrument is disturbed by external circumstances.
Operation with Inoperable ComponentsWith one ADS valve known to be incapable of automatic operation six valves remain operable to perform their ADS function.
The adoption of three on-site emergency diesel- generators to support core cooling and heat removal, as well as the addition of an on-site gas turbine-generator reduces the likelihood of "station blackout." The balanced ECCS system has less reliance on the automatic depressurization system (ADS) function, since a single motor- driven high-pressure core flooder (HPFL) is designed to maintain core coverage for any postulated line break size.
Listing Rule 6.1 provides that 'the terms that apply to each class of equity securities must, in ASX's opinion, be appropriate and equitable.' Listing Rule 6.1 is relevant because the effect of Resolution 3 is to vary the terms that apply to a class of equity securities.
Control power for each of the ten SRVs which are not used for the ADS function is supplied by one division (four from Division I, three from Division II, and three from Division III).
Eight of the S/RVs use the relief mode to perform the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function which is necessary for depressurizing the primary system to enable low pressure injection systems for small-break loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) scenarios.