Examples of Advanced information technology in a sentence
Advanced information technology has decisively altered these processes.
The Company is distinguished from its competitors by virtue of the following: A wide array of integrated insurance solutions to fulfill clients’ requirements. A well-established sales and distribution network. Experienced and skilled management and work team. A capital base compatible with the Company's objectives. Advanced information technology systems and applications. Arrangements with leading reinsurance companies.
The CAS(13/18) includes the following orbitals: 4π, 2 lone pairs on the N atoms, 3σ localized between the frame and crane and 4 unoccupied π∗ orbitals.
Advanced information technology has increasingly transformed the PRC securities companies’ businesses from the traditional fee-based models to diversified models focusing on professional services, deepening customer relationships and leveraging online services.
Advanced information technology has enabled such coordination to be more and more effective.
Advanced information technology is already making headway in the area of rural and agricultural development.
Translated material directed to particular audiences need not be translated to other audiences.
May 4, 202214:00-14:05 Moderator: Penelope Hawkins (Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Debt and Development Finance Branch/UNCTAD)14:05-14:15: Opening remarks: Richard Kozul-Wright (Director of the DGDS/UNCTAD) and Kevin Gallagher (GDP Center/Boston University)14:15–14:35: Presentation GFSN tracker: Barbara Fritz, Institute for Latin American Studies/ Freie Universität and Laurissa Mühlich, Research associate, Global Financial Safety Net tracker.
Advanced information technology can help in this process significantly [1].Figure 2 depicts basic modules of EMMA tool.
Advanced information technology -based systems will be used where appropriate and cost effective.