Affordable Housing Fee definition
Examples of Affordable Housing Fee in a sentence
For your information, if a project proposes rental units, it may be eligible for an On-site Alternative to the Affordable Housing Fee if it has demonstrated to the Planning Department that the affordable units are either: 1) ownership only or 2) not subject to the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act (a Costa Hawkins exception).
The City’s Affordable Housing Fee Deferral Program is intended to reduce the development review costs for a nonprofit organization, a partnership between a for-profit organization and a nonprofit organization, or a public/private partnership that constructs new residential dwelling units or remodels existing dwelling units that are made affordable to eligible households based upon family household income.
For your information, if a project proposes rental units, it may be eligible for an On‐site Alternative to the Affordable Housing Fee if it has demonstrated to the Planning Department that the affordable units are either: 1) ownership only or 2) not subject to the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act (a Costa Hawkins exception).
During this assessment, we demonstrated that, in most cases of breast cancer stages and subtypes, the statistical co-expression networks produce either similar or more enriched lists with significant genes (in terms of maximum classification accuracy achieved) for each breast cancer stage and subtype than the conventional statistical approach or the networks based solely on the biological information extracted from the literature.
The Planner will then enter the Affordable Housing Fee amount in the shared database.
Questions about paying the Affordable Housing Fee after MOH has issued a fee determination letter should be directed to DBI at 558-6131.
Affordable units designated as on-site units shall be sold as ownership units and will remain as ownership units for the life of the project.For your information, if a project proposes rental units, it may be eligible for an On-site Alternative to the Affordable Housing Fee if it has demonstrated to the Planning Department that the affordable units are either: 1) ownership only or 2) not subject to the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act (a Costa Hawkins exception).
Notwithstanding Section 142.1303(f), development providing less than 10 percent of the pre-density bonus dwelling units as affordable to rental households at or below 65% area median income for not less than 55 years shall pay pro-rated Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fees as determined by the Housing Commission, so that the inclusionary requirement may be satisfied by a combination of providing affordable rental dwelling units and paying a pro-rated Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee.
Approval Process To comply with Planning Code Section 415 et seq., Project Sponsors will work with the Planning Department and with their assigned Planner to choose the fee or to qualify for an alternative to the Affordable Housing Fee under the Program.
Project Sponsors must sign an Affidavit of Compliance with the Inclusionary Housing Program with the Planning Department stating their intention to pay the Affordable Housing Fee or to qualify for the on- site, off-site or land dedication alternatives before receiving entitlement from the Planning Department or, in the case of Principally Permitted Projects, before the Planning Department will approve the building permit for the Project.