Examples of After school care in a sentence
After school care (NSO): standard opening times are from after-school hours up to 18.00 or 18.30 hrs.
After school care will be provided each regular school day until 4:30pm.
After school care does not operate when school is not in session, including early dismissal and inclement weather days.
After school care is available for any student in school at an additional cost.
Required Operating Hours:• Before school care – 7.30 am -• After school care 3.15 pm – 6 00 pm• Student free day - 7.30 am – 6.00 pm• Vacation care – 730 am – 6.00 pm Early school finishes/ End of term Early finishes –2.30 pm –6.00 pm or as appropriateThe provider will be allowed access to the space 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the required operating hours to provide opportunity to set up and pack up the area for OSHC use.
After- school care or neighbourhood monitoring were demonstrated to be equally important and children with adequate monitoring provided by the community were found to display lower delinquency rates (Sampson, Morenoff & Gannon- Rowley, 2002).
After school care is available for any day that your child is attending school in person.
After school care begins upon dismissal of school and ends at 6:00 pm.
After school care is designed to provide children of working parents and those with late afternoon commitments with a safe caring environment.
After school care and care during holidays and inclement weather days present major hardships for families.