Examples of Agronomic rates in a sentence
Agronomic rates are defined as the amount of waste materials that will provide all the nitrogen needs of the crop, while minimizing the amount of nitrogen that leaches below the root zone to groundwater.
Agronomic rates shall not be exceeded for the crops grown and yield goals.
Management practices are applicable to the land application of bulk non-EQ sewage sludge in the following areas: • Threatened or Endangered species• Flooded, frozen, or snow-covered land• Distance to waters of the United States• Agronomic rates.
Agronomic rates incorporating pH may also aid in selection of the most effective cover crop.
Agronomic rates are defined as those rates that provide the nitrogen and other nutrient needs of the crop, but do not overload the soil with nutrients or other constituents, which may eventually leach to groundwater, limit crop growth, or adversely impact soil quality.