WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. .1 Contractor shall at a minimum use applicable Best Management Practices listed in the California Stormwater Quality Association Construction Handbook xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/Construction.asp to prevent the pollution of storm drains and watercourses by discharges of materials other than uncontaminated storm water. Prohibited discharges include storm water runoff discharges that may threaten to cause pollution, contamination or nuisance, sanitary waste, sediment and debris from erosion and other substances resulting from construction activities. Sanitary wastes will not be permitted to enter any storm drain or watercourse and must be routed to the sanitary sewer system. No sediment, debris or construction materials will be permitted to enter sanitary sewers.
.2 Contractor shall provide effective and continuous control of water pollution, including Work in small or multiple units, on an out of phase schedule or with modified construction procedures. Contractor shall determine which methods are most effective in achieving control of water pollution as a result of Contractor's operations. Contractor shall coordinate water pollution control work with all other Work performed by Contractor and Separate Contractors.
.3 Before starting any Work on the Project, Contractor shall submit to the Construction Manager for acceptance a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for effective control of storm water pollution. Such plan shall show the schedule and detailed description for the storm water pollution prevention and erosion control work or practices included in the Construction Contract and for all storm water pollution control measures which Contractor proposes to employ in connection with construction of the Project to minimize the effects of their operations upon storm drains, adjacent streams, and other bodies of water. Contractor shall not perform any clearing and grubbing or earthwork on the Project, other than that specifically authorized in writing by the Construction Manager, until such SWPPP has been approved by a City representative or the Construction Manager. Contractor shall revise and bring up to date said SWPPP at any time the Construction Manager makes written request for such revisions.
.4 City shall not be liable to Contractor for failure to accept all or any portion of any originally submitted or revised SWPPP, or for any Delays to the Work due to Contractor's failure to submit an acceptable SWPPP. Contractor assumes sole responsib...
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. NORTH PLANT SEDIMENT POND The north plant sediment pond is designed to collect and store the storm runoff from the general north plant area. These waters are retained in the pond, allowing natural evaporation to desiccate the pond. This prevents high quantities of suspended solids from being discharged to Armells Creek or other state surface waters. The north plant area drainage system is designed to collect and store storm runoff from the water treatment building, fuel oil handling area and the cooling tower area in the north plant area drain pond. The pond also serves as a storage facility for one cooling tower basin drain, cooling tower overflow, water treatment filter backwash, and for the cooling tower blowdown water not used in the flue gas scrubbing process. These waters are potentially contaminated with oil and high suspended and dissolved solids, and this system stores these discharges preventing any discharge to Armells Creek or other state surface waters. The north plant area drainage system consists of collection basins, piping, concrete culverts, yard drains, manholes and special yard gradings (berms) which route these discharges to the north plant area sump and north plant area drain pond. The north plant area drain pond incorporates a hypalon liner to comply with a permit requirement for minimum seepage. The oil separator section of the sump receives oily surface collection drains. The oil and water are separated. The oil from the sump is then trucked away for disposal. The water discharges are either pumped to the scrubber effluent holding pond via a 6" diameter pipeline, 19,000 feet in length for evaporation, to the circulating water system, or the plant oily waste sump as appropriate. Each discharge arrangement has its own set of sump pumps. The pumps and piping system which discharge to the plant oily waste sump are not included in the costs covered by this Report, nor is the circulating water system. The waters recovered are excess to any plant requirements and recovery of the waters does not provide any economic benefit to the plant.
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. The Licensee shall comply with all water pollution control rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes that apply to the Work performed under the Contract, including the California General Permit (NPDES) 2009-009-DWQ for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities issued by the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and as modified by order 2010-0014-DWQ, also issued by the SWRCB.
(1) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The Licensee shall develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that complies with the State of California Construction General Permit for Storm Water Discharges. The Licensee shall contract for, or have on payroll, a California Certified Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD). Licensee shall be responsible for hiring or contracting for the services of a California certified Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP). The Licensee shall pay all costs associated with development and implementation of the SWPPP. See Specifications for additional requirements.
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. The Section 5311 subrecipient agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, codified at 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., as amended, if the agreement exceeds $100,000.
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. Design Build Entity shall comply with all water pollution control rules, regulations, ordinances, and statutes that apply to the Work, including the California General Permit (NPDES) 2009-009-DWQ for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities issued by the California State Water Resources Control Board, as modified by order 2010-0014-DWQ, also issued by the same board.
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. All work shall conform to the requirements established through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit issued to the County of Orange and the incorporated cities of Orange County by the Santa Xxx Regional Water Quality Control Boards, the 2009-0009-DWQ Construction General Permit, the CITY’s Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) and Chapter 14.40 of the Fountain Valley Municipal Code (Storm Water Regulations). All areas outside of the project limits disturbed by the CONTRACTOR for the prosecution of the work shall also be subject to the requirements of these special provisions. The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for all costs and liabilities associated with water pollution control measures in areas outside the project limits.
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. Tenant shall comply with all applicable State and Federal water pollution control requirements regarding storm water and non-storm water discharges from the tenant’s leasehold area and will be responsible for all applicable permits including but not limited to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities (Excluding Construction), the NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities, and the Caltrans Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NPDES Permit, and permits and ordinances issued to and promulgated by municipalities, counties, drainage districts, and other local agencies regarding discharges of storm water and non-storm water to sewer systems, storm drain systems, or any watercourses under the jurisdiction of the above agencies. Copies of the current storm water related NPDES permits are available on the State Water Resources Control Board’s website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx.xxx/water_issues/programs/stormwater/. Tenant understands the discharge of non-storm water into the storm sewer system is prohibited unless specifically authorized by one of the permits or ordinances listed above. In order to prevent the discharge of non-storm water into the storm sewer system, vehicle or equipment washing, fueling, maintenance and repair on the Premises is prohibited. In order to prevent the discharge of pollutants to storm water resulting from contact with hazardous material, the storage or stockpile of hazardous material on Premises is strictly prohibited. Tenant shall implement and maintain the Best Management Practices (BMPs) shown in the attached Stormwater Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet(s) for: marked “Exhibit B.” Tenant shall identify any other potential sources of storm water and non-storm water pollution resulting from Tenant’s activities on the premises, which are not addressed by the BMPs, contained in the attached Fact Sheet(s), and shall implement additional BMPs to prevent pollution from those sources. Additional BMPs may be obtained from 2 other manuals:
(1) Right of Way Property Management and Airspace Storm Water Guidance Manual available for review online at: xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/xx/xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx, and
(2) Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual, available for review online at: xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/xx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx.xxx. In the event of conflict bet...
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. Seller must comply with all Federal, State and local water pollution prevention and storm drain pollution prevention rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes, guidelines, and Project specific permit requirements.
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. Lessee shall not allow discharge of contaminated storm water runoff or unauthorized non-storm water discharges to private or public storm water drainage systems. Lessee shall comply with State and Federal water pollution control requirements, and those of municipalities, counties, drainage districts, and other local agencies regarding discharges of storm water and non-storm water to sewer systems, storm drain systems, or any watercourses under jurisdiction of the above agencies.
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. Tenant shall not allow discharge of contaminated storm water runoff or unauthorized non-storm water discharges to private or public storm water drainage systems. Tenant shall comply with State and Federal water pollution control requirements, and those of municipalities, counties, drainage districts, and other local agencies regarding discharges of storm water and non-storm water to sewer systems, storm drain systems, or any watercourses under jurisdiction of the above agencies.