AIIMS Bhopal definition
Examples of AIIMS Bhopal in a sentence
All disputes or differences arising during the execution of the contract shall be resolved by the mutual discussion failing which the matter will be referred to an Arbitrator who will appointed by the Director, AIIMS Bhopal for Arbitration for settlement of disputes in accordance with Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 or its subsequent amendment, whose decision shall be blinding on the contracting parties.
The Director, AIIMS Bhopal, India as the full and exclusive right to accept or reject, increase or decrease order quantity or cancel the supply at any time without assigning any reason during the currency of this Rate Contract Period.
This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of the same shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on behalf of the Director AIIMS Bhopal.
The Public Finance Management System (PFMS) implemented at AIIMS Bhopal.
Inspection will be done by the duly constituted committee members nominated by Director, AIIMS Bhopal and or his authorized representatives in AIIMS Bhopal Hospital premises at designated place.
No item should be quoted with price more than the M.R.P. by any Supplier Agency to AIIMS Bhopal.
Technical Evaluation Committee/Procurement Committee and other committees as constituted by the Director will decide regarding approval of Items, Rates and Quantities required to be procured (i.e. increase/decrease in either side as indicated in Annexure-I) for different categories of Equipment/items as per requirement of AIIMS Bhopal basis.
If any Supplier Agency found defaulter for following of above said rule (i.e. passing all the benefits of GST Tax Regime price reductions to AIIMS Bhopal), the necessary action deemed fit as per GST Act 2017 shall be initiated against such defaulter firm.
For CMC after expiry of warranty period, the 10% CMC Security Deposit of CMC Value of Equipment shall require to be deposit by the Bidder to AIIMS Bhopal in the format given at “Annexure-XII”.
The Anti-Profiteering Rule under GST Act 2017 is applicable against this E-Tender Enquiry on which the Supplier Agency should have mandatorily to pass on the benefit due to reduction in rate of tax to the AIIMS Bhopal by way of commensurate reduction in their prices.