Alternative Structure definition
Examples of Alternative Structure in a sentence
Family Self-Sufficiency Program with MTW Flexibilitya.PH Waive Operating a Required FSS Program (PH)Not Currently Implementeda.HCV Waive Operating a Required FSS Program (HCV)Not Currently Implementedb.PH Alternative Structure for Establishing Program Coordinating Committee (PH)Not Currently Implementedb.
If the Primary Structure cannot be effected in accordance with the Alternative Structure Conditions, the Unilever Stockholder, Holdco and the Company shall discuss, in good faith, alternative structures to effect the transfer of the Additional Shares pursuant to this Section so as to optimize tax efficiencies (the “Secondary Structures”), provided that any Secondary Structures must satisfy the Alternative Structure Conditions.
Ms. Desmond, Chief Academic Officer informed the Committee that on June 27, 2019, Commissioner Riley, from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released a memorandum regarding Alternative Structure Learning Day Programs.
HCV Alternative Structure for Establishing Program Coordinating Committee (HCV)Not Currently Implementedc.
It is possible that the Restructuring Transactions will be implemented in a manner where the determination as to whether the Recapitalization Structure or the Alternative Structure will be implemented can be made after the Effective Date.