Financial Benefits Sample Clauses

Financial Benefits. An Employee who takes a pregnancy or parental leave pursuant to this Article 24 is entitled to the financial benefits set out in 24.01(a)(i) (Option A) or 24.01(a)(ii) (Option B) below, at his or her election. It is understood that an Employee electing to take a pregnancy leave and a parental leave for the same child (or children) may elect to receive financial benefits for either leave (under either Option) but not both leaves.
Financial Benefits. For each week of leave up to the 8th week, inclusive, the University will pay 90% of regular salary, less the maximum amount of weekly pay any individual is eligible to receive in accordance with the EIA (the “EI Max”), regardless of whether or not such amount is actually received by the employee. If the employee provides proof that their EIA entitlement is less than the EI Max, their weekly payment from the University will be 90% of regular salary less the amount of their EIA entitlement.
Financial Benefits. As a result of the filing, prosecution, and settlement of the Action, the Individual Defendantsinsurance carriers shall pay the Company $8,666,666.66 within 10 business days of the occurrence of the Effective Date provided that if a Judgment is entered but there is any appeal from the Judgment, the insurance carriers and the Company will work in good faith to have the $8,666,666.66 paid into an escrow account with an escrow agent and form of agreement acceptable to both the insurance carriers and the Company.
Financial Benefits. The City will earn revenue from a tax per ton of mined material, a tax on the sale of ready-mixed concrete from a new concrete plant permitted by the entitlements, a rebate on ready-mixed concrete produced by Developer for projects within City limits; and a revenue supplement. The City could not otherwise obtain the rebate and revenue supplement from Developer except by means of this Agreement or voter-approved special legislation.
Financial Benefits. An employee who takes a pregnancy or parental leave pursuant to this Article is entitled to the financial benefits set out in 18.03(a)(i) (Option A) or 18.03(a)(ii) (Option B) below, at their election. It is understood that an employee electing to take a pregnancy leave and a parental leave for the same child (or children) may elect to receive financial benefits for either leave (under either Option) but not both leaves, except to the extent that the financial benefits of the elected Option are not exhausted at the end of the pregnancy leave, in which case they may continue during the parental leave until they are exhausted. To be eligible to access the financial benefits set out in 18.03(a)(i) (Option A) or 18.03(a)(ii) (Option B) below the employee must have 13 weeks of completed service as an employee at McMaster University prior to the commencement of their pregnancy or parental leave.
Financial Benefits. Fox shall disclose all advances, volume and prompt payment discounts, free goods, laboratory and other vendor rebates and similar financial benefits and shall allocate such amounts to the Licensed Pictures in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreements (or, if there is no such contractual allocation, on a fair and reasonable basis and in Fox’s good faith business judgment).
Financial Benefits. Grantee shall insure that a reasonable portion of any financial benefits derived from or generated by the development or commercialization of any technology as a result of the Project accrues to Grantee. This Agreement does not, however, prohibit other contributors to the development or commercialization of any such technology from receiving a portion of the financial benefits provided that the financial benefit to such other contributors, collectively, is commercially reasonable in relation to the financial investment or contribution of other value made by such other contributors to the development or commercialization of the technology. The factors to be evaluated in determining the reasonableness of allocations of financial benefit may include, but are not limited to, the amount of investment capital needed to develop and/or commercialize the technology, the length of time necessary for development and/or commercialization and the commercial value of any services provided by other contributors to the Project. Grantee acknowledges that it is the objective of the Grantor in awarding the Grant Funds to create jobs and business opportunities in Ohio and otherwise to benefit the economy of Ohio. Accordingly, Grantee shall undertake in good faith to carry out the Project and to develop and commercialize any resulting technology in such a manner as to create jobs and business opportunities in Ohio and otherwise to benefit the economy of Ohio, including, without limitation, making such objectives a significant factor in the evaluation and selection of potential licensees, distributors, joint venturers and business partners and in the terms of any license, option to license, distribution agreement or other agreement to exploit commercially any such technology.
Financial Benefits. [available to Full-Time Employees as at date of ratification of this Agreement, and Part-Time Employees as at October 1, 2019] An Employee who takes a pregnancy or parental leave pursuant to this Article 16.06 is entitled to the financial benefits set out in 16.06(a)(i) (Option A) or 16.06(a)(ii) (Option B) below, at their election. It is understood that an Employee electing to take a pregnancy leave and a parental leave for the same child (or children) may elect to receive financial benefits for either leave (under either Option) but not both leaves.
Financial Benefits. 1. Benefits constitute a form of financial performance employees are entitled to on condition of their meeting the terms of this Collective Agreement. 2. Benefits are provided in the form of work anniversary bonuses and retirement bonuses: a) a work anniversary bonus is paid out an employee as a single instalment of 10,000 CZK on completing an uninterrupted period of ten years in an employment relationship, b) a retirement bonus is paid out to an employee on the date of termination of an employment relationship due to retirement or due to their becoming eligible for 3rd degree disability pension. The bonus ranges from 5,000 to twice the employee's monthly average earnings at the university in the preceding calendar year, provided that the employee's employment relationship with the university lasted for at least 5 years. In order to determine the bonus amount, the total employment duration, amount of working hours and results achieved shall be taken into consideration. 3. Bonuses listed in subsection 2 are payable together with wages, i.e. in the first month following the claim.
Financial Benefits. The financial arrangements are a key focus of agreement making with Indigenous people. The nature and quantum are a ready measure of the value of the agreement to Indigenous people. Establishing a payments regime that is commensurate with the impacts as perceived by Indigenous groups and that meets reasonable expectations to share in the benefit of resource extraction is critical for establishing the certainty the company needs for making large capital investments. An overview of information that is available on petroleum agreements with Aboriginal people in Australia is provided in this section along with consideration of factors relevant to agreements over large scale gas projects.