Amenity Land definition
Examples of Amenity Land in a sentence
A report was considered by the Councils Cabinet on 9 February 2009 on releasing an area of Housing Amenity Land from the open space area adjoining Wimborne House to assist with the provision of a 60 bed Extra Care Scheme on an expanded site.
Answer1Kindly clarify the timeline to issue LOA afteropening of financial bids.LOA shall be issued within 7 days from thefinancial bid approval.2Kindly clarify if MPTB can confirm, prior to signing of Lease Agreement with Successful Bidder, that it can provide the Wayside Amenity Land free of encroachments and with active water and electricity connections.
As a consequence of this improvement in material well-being, individuals develop civic virtues, i.e. they donate blood, vote in referenda and engage as volunteers.
Councillor Cawdron recommended that we add this to the maintenance schedule for the last cut of the year.Councillor Carty proposed purchasing four benches at the cost of approximately£1000 plus fixtures (approximately £80), two to be installed on the green space next to the Book Nook in Thorpe End and two on the Church Road Amenity Land.
Again, specific requirements will be identified each year by the Amenity Land committee and for 2017 and beyond.
The Town Council also has a long lease on Culmers Amenity Land which is owned by the CT10 Parochial Charities.The Town Council undertook a formal tender process to appoint a grounds maintenance company to maintain the Culmer’ s Amenity land and the Pierremont Park land.
Remunerated employment, office, profession etcPayments for teaching received from Oxford University Said Business School, University of Oxford, OX1 5NY:Received £625 for teaching on 10 December 2013.
A few suggestions were proposed by Mr Chance et al.:1) Square Metre Based Allotment Rent FeeMr Chance advised that SMBC and BCC’s allotment sizes are consistent and that these two authorities charge allotment rent fees based on square metre.Mr Chance added that they carried out a survey and established that the Elmdon Lane allotment plots are larger than the Amenity Land allotment plots.
Only the building or structure identified as being the main habitable part of the property will be used for the purpose of establishing the distance to the overhead line and /or associated supporting apparatus (such as poles/stays etc) Amenity Land Land ancillary to the use of a residential property that positively enhances and affects its setting to include but not limited to uses such as orchards, large grassed areas not forming part of the immediate formal garden etc.
A maximum of 15 houses will be permitted within site A subject to:⚫ Drainage arrangements being to the satisfaction of SEPA and⚫ agreement to secure the management, retention and regeneration of the land identified as Amenity Land A for the community, including a new path network.