Examples of Annual Business Meeting in a sentence
The Nominating Committee, after considering applications for LOC Officer or Director positions, shall forward a slate of candidates to the membership for a vote at the Annual Business Meeting.
The Nominating Committee shall hold an open meeting at the Annual Conference, prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
Resolutions may be amended at the Annual Business Meeting provided that the amendment does not alter the Resolution’s intent and it is approved by a majority of the votes cast by the members eligible to vote at the Annual Business Meeting.
The term of office for all Directors shall commence at the first Board meeting of the calendar year following the Annual Business Meeting at which they are elected.
The term of office for each Officer, except the Executive Director, shall be for one year and shall commence at the first Board meeting of the calendar year following the Annual Business Meeting at which they were elected.
Resolutions, except those related to a Constitutional amendment, shall be adopted only if approved by a majority of the votes cast by the members eligible to vote at the Annual Business Meeting.
Full membership entitles a city to all services provided by the LOC, including insurance services provided by CityCounty Insurance Services (CIS) and voting privileges at the Annual Business Meeting.
Resolutions amending the Constitution shall be adopted only if approved by two-thirds of the votes cast by the members eligible to vote at the Annual Business Meeting.
Statement in support of nominees may be made from the floor of the Annual Business Meeting.
Resolutions shall be considered by the full membership at the Annual Business Meeting if submitted to the LOC 30 days before the Annual Business Meeting and if approved for consideration by the Board.