Ante-area definition

Ante-area means an ISO 8 or greater area where personnel perform hand hygiene, garbing, and stage components. An ante area precedes a buffer area, provided:
Ante-area means an ISO Class 8 or better area where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, order entry, CSP labeling, and other high-particulate generating activities are performed. It is also a transition area that:
Ante-area means an ISO Class 8 or better air quality where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, and other high-particulate-generating activities are performed, that is adjacent to the area designated for sterile compounding. It is a transition area that begins the systematic reduction of particles, prevents large fluctuations in air temperature and pressures in the buffer area or cleanroom, and maintains air flows from clean to dirty areas.

More Definitions of Ante-area

Ante-area means an ISO Class 8 or better area where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, order entry, labeling and other high particulate generating activities are performed. The ante-area is the transition area between the unclassified area of the facility and the buffer area.
Ante-area means an ISO Class 8 (see table 1) or better area where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, order entry, CSP labeling, and other high-particulate-generating activities are performed.
Ante-area means an ISO Class 8 or better area where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, order entry, CSP labeling, and other high-particulate generating activities are performed. It is also a transition area that (1) provides assurance that pressure relationships are constantly maintained so that air flows from clean to dirty areas and (2) reduces the need for the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) control system to respond to large disturbances.
Ante-area means an ISO Class 8 or better area where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, order entry, compounded sterile preparation labeling, and other high-particulate generating activities are performed. It is also a transition area where pressure relationships are constantly maintained so that air flows from clean to dirty areas.
Ante-area means an area with ISO Class 8 or better air quality where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, and other high-particulate-generating
Ante-area means[:(1) A] an ISO Class 8 transition room between the unclassified area of the facility and the buffer room. [better area where personnel perform hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, order enter, CSP labeling, and other high-particulate- generating activities are performed;
Ante-area means[:(1) A] an ISO Class 8 or room with fixed walls doors where personnel hand hygiene, garbing procedures, and other activities that generate high particulate levels may be performed. The ante-room is the transition room between the unclassified area of the facility and the buffer room. [better area where personnel perform hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, order enter, CSP labeling, and other high- particulate-generating activities are performed;