Examples of Hand hygiene in a sentence
Hand hygiene relates to the removal of visible soil and removal or killing of transient microorganisms from the hands.
Hand hygiene is a cornerstone of infection prevention and will need to be practiced widely in entertainment industry work environments.
Hand hygiene among physicians: performance, beliefs, and perceptions.
Try to learn as much about the types of drilling wastes that the well may produce, as they will have different risks associated with them.
Hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene is paramount due to the nature of exercising and the way people breathe as a result.
Hand hygiene shall be performed immediately after removal of gloves or other personal protective equipment.
Hand hygiene is to be carried out and new gloves applied to proceed with the task.
Hand hygiene with soap and water – done correctly – removes organisms.
Hand hygiene; • Before you leave home and when you arrive back home.• When you arrive at UNIS.• When you move between workplaces.• After you have been to the toilet.• After you have coughed or sneezed, wiped your face or blown your nose.• Before and after glove use.• Before and after you eat.• After you have been outside.• When your hands are visibly dirty.
Hand hygiene rates unaffected by installation of dispensers of a rapidly acting hand antiseptic.