Antiquities permit definition
Examples of Antiquities permit in a sentence
The proposed scope of work herein would include the preparation and submittal of an Antiquities permit for approval by the THC and the preparation of the draft report detailing the findings from 2017 for approval by the THC.
Antiquities Permit Application, Field Surveys, and Survey Report - The Engineer shall prepare an application for a Texas Antiquities permit for an archeological survey of the area of potential effect (APE) which shall be submitted to TxDOT and the THC for approval.
This would include obtaining a Texas Antiquities permit, which is required prior to the start of survey operations on land or water owned or controlled by the state or a political subdivision of the state (Texas Natural Resource Code, Title 9, Chapter 191, and Administrative Code, Title 13, Chapter 26 and Chapter 28 found at: xxxxx:// regulations-rules).
Jones explained that, according to Chapter 26 of the Texas Administrative Code [Subchapter C, Rule §26.18 (b)], failure to apply for and receive an Antiquities permit before proceeding with investigations may result in theCommission directing staff to censure the principal investigator or firm and deny issuance of permits for a six-month period for each offense if more than one permit application offense has taken place in a one-year period.
Commissioner John Crain moved, Commissioner Pete Peterson seconded, and the committee voted unanimously to authorize the Executive Director to issue Historic Buildings and Structures Antiquities permit #1072 for masonry cleaning and roof repairs of the historic Long Barrack, Alamo, Bexar County.
Depending on the results of coordination, a terrestrial Antiquities permit, a maritime permit, or both may be required.