Applicant group definition
Examples of Applicant group in a sentence
Applicant group must wear appropriate shoes for activities for the duration of the activity.
Applicant is a legally constituted community group or organisation, not an individual or individuals.4. Applicant group provides evidence of (or, if a new group, systems for): sound financial management, good employment practice (where applicable), clear and detailed planning, clear performance measures, demonstrated ability to report back on past funding as appropriate.5. Projects will not be funded for the same purpose more than once in any financial year.
CHIP plans that include Medicaid EPSDT are already required to cover mental health and substance abuse services as needed and they are deemed compliant with MHPAEA parity requirements for financial requirements and treatment limitations.
Applicant group and legitimate interestConsejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Protegida ‘Mahón-Menorca’ (Regulatory Council for the ‘Mahón- Menorca’ Protected Designation of Origin)Ctra.
Proponent arguments in support of the proposal • The what and why of the proposal: Applicant group representatives stated that the goal of their proposal is to update and modernize athletic trainer scope of practice to make it more consistent with current education and training which is now much more broad-based and extensive than it was the last time athletic trainer scope of practice was revised back in the late 1990’s.
The public, advertised hearings before the School Board on the Application were not well-attended, and virtually all of the attendees were associated with the Applicant group, in terms of founders and representatives from CCA.
Applicant group Provide the names of the applicant's associates (as defined in...
Applicant group provides evidence of (or, if a new group, systems for): sound financial management, good employment practice (where applicable), clear and detailed planning, clear performance measures, demonstrated ability to report back on past funding as appropriate.
The appropriate number of Co-Applicants should be defined by the Applicant group.
Tables 2.2 to 2.4 below provide descriptive statistics on the use of applications for adjudication by stakeholders, industry and value categories Table 2.2 – Applications for Adjudication 2017/2018 (By Applicant and Respondent types) Applicant type Respondent Type 2017/18 outcomes: Applicants categorised as “subcontractors” were the largest Applicant group in the current reporting period.