Examples of Approved Capital Expenditure in a sentence
Approved Capital Expenditure means all capital expenditure accepted into a Regulatory Asset Base by the QCA in accordance with clause 2.1(a) of schedule E of AU1.
Example: Approved Capital Expenditure of €10,000 is awarded (€6,000 for measure 1 and €4,000 for measure 2).
Accordingly, the Commission has considered the capital expenditure and capitalisation for FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 as shown in the following Table:Table 4.5-2: Approved Capital Expenditure and Capitalisation for FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 (Rs. Crore) Particulars 4.5.4 The Commission has considered above said Capital expenditure towards different schemes proposed by TANTRANSCO.
QR Network will maintain a register in which it will annually record all Approved Capital Expenditure.
If, at the end of each Year, the Approved Capital Expenditure differs from the Capital Indicator, the difference will give rise to an entry in the Capital Expenditure Carryover Account.