Examples of Appurtenant Rights in a sentence
All utilities proposed to serve the Property are located in, and vehicular access to the Property is provided by, either public rights-of-way abutting the Property or Appurtenant Rights.
All utilities serving such Property, or proposed to serve such Property in accordance with the related Plans and Specifications, are located in, and vehicular access to the Improvements on such Property is provided by, either public rights-of-way abutting such Property or Appurtenant Rights.
On December 31, 2014, the Commission issued a Provisional Order on Claims that Particular Parcels have Appurtenant Rights.
However, the responses reveal which option is the next-best alternative to the customers’ current purchases and the responses can be used to calcula- te diversion ratios.
On August 6, 2013, the Commission issued a Notice to Applicants and Those Filing Objections in the Provisional Recognition of Appurtenant Rights for Nā Wai ‘Ehā Surface Water Management Areas of Waihe‘e, Waiehu, ‘Īao and Waikapū Streams, to announce that a due process hearing would be held in Wailuku, Maui to receive and act on the Hearings Officer’s Findings and Recommendations regarding the Provisional Recognition of Appurtenant Rights.