Treatment Services. Maternity admissions;
Treatment Services. Procedures, and Prescription Medicines (PHYSTH- MEDPRESC)
Treatment Services. Mode of Service: Community Based Services. • Contracted units of service by type. Service Year FY 2022-2023 (7/1/22 – 6/30/23) Service Type Est. No. of Students Served Per Team* Avg. Range of Service Units of Service COEDS Option 2 8 6-8 Parent Support Months Social Work Services COEDS Option 3 8 8-12 Parent Support Months Social Work Services Behavioral Interventions *Unit of service calculated by cost of team/student • Location: Community based as determined by the needs of the family and child. Examples: family home, school or community setting. • Hours of Operation: To be determined by the needs of the family and child and may include nights/weekends at minimum of minutes specified in the IEP. • Three important components of delivering COEDS 2 and 3 services include: - Developing a Family Support plan in collaboration with Special Education Case Manager, Intensive School Based Therapist, COEDS Team, Student and student's parents/guardian. The plan clarifies needs not being met that keep the student from meeting social/emotional IEP goals and identifying interventions and supports that will be used to address the social/emotional IEP goals. - 24/7 On-call Support Services to be specified on the student's IEP if needed, or to be added after consultation between COEDS Program Manager and LEA Administrator. - Making contacts with family members, caregivers, mental health providers, school officials/teachers, and other significant people in the life of the student. Option Staff Assigned Service Provided Avg. Duration Option 2 Parent Partner Family Case Manager Lead Parent Partner Lead Family Case Manager Clinical Supervisor Program Manager • Development of Family Strengths Assessment • Development of Safety and Crisis Plan and resources • Development of Comprehensive Individualized Family Support Plan • Follow through with all team members on implementation of social/emotional IEP goals • Hold weekly Family Support Team Meetings (to include Intensive School Based Therapist and Special Education Case Manager at school setting at least once a month) • Provide support for family with accessing community based supports and resources • Provide support for family with coordination of service providers • Xxxxxx the inclusion of informal supports • Develop parenting skills • Provide parenting education • Assist parents in understanding and coping with the special needs of their child and providing parents with information about child development • Connect student w...
Treatment Services. Treatment Services" shall be defined as all services provided using the Equipment including but not limited to: treatment planning services, treatment delivery services, and other such services that may become available in the future, for which reimbursement is sought.
Treatment Services. CONTRACTOR shall provide ongoing interdisciplinary 12 treatment services to address the whole health of the Clients served under this Contract; this includes but 13 is not limited to:
14 1. Creating an Initial Individualized Treatment Plan (ITP) for each COUNTY client developed 15 with the interdisciplinary team and Client, and completed with signatures of the treatment team and the 16 Client (or explanation of the inability to obtain client signature) within seventy-two (72) hours of 17 admission;
18 2. Nursing, Psychological, Therapeutic, and Social Services compatible with ITPs;
19 3. Treatment for co-occurring substance use disorders based on either harm-reduction or 20 abstinence-based models to wellness and recovery;
21 4. Individual, group and collateral therapies which includes provision or supervision of family 22 therapy sessions as indicated for youth; therapies will include but not limited to:
23 a. Documentation of Client’s attendance/participation in collateral therapy including 24 schedule of therapies, attendance log, and medical record progress notes.
25 b. Appropriate one-on-one client-to-staff counseling as appropriate to the diagnosis and 26 ITP.
27 c. Use of Evidence-Based Practices including but not limited to: motivational 28 interviewing, solution-focused therapy, seeking safety, cognitive behavioral therapy, 29 and/or Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy, to address the unique symptoms and behaviors 30 presented by Clients in accordance to ITP goals.
31 d. Promote recovery in individual and group sessions. Group topics may include but not 32 be limited to: building a wellness toolbox or resource, list, WRAP plans, symptom 33 monitoring, identifying and coping with triggers, developing a crisis prevention plan, 34 etc.
35 5. Activities therapy;
36 6. Crisis Intervention; 37 7. Education, including psychoeducational support, to COUNTY client and family/support 1 Network;
Treatment Services. Treatment services shall consist of face-to-face services with client or collateral (except for authorized telephone consultation) and be conducted by a licensed, waivered, or registered mental health professional. Rate of payment shall be as follows: Assessment, per case $124.00 Psychological Testing Package $450.88 Individual Therapy, per session $ 88.00 Group Therapy, per person, per session $ 29.00 Family Therapy, per hour; includes all members Clinical Consultation, telephone per 15 minutes $ 90.00 $ 12.00
Treatment Services. CD treatment services do not include detoxification (unless it is required for medical treatment). The MCO is responsible for all CD treatment services including room and board as determined necessary by the assessment. CD services shall be provided in accordance with 42 CFR § 8.12, and Minnesota Statutes § 254B.05, subd. 1. Services include Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) screening following a positive “Screening and Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment” (SBIRT) screen. The goal of SBIRT is to improve the effectiveness of early detection of at-risk or harmful substance abuse and to provide effective strategies for intervention prior to the need for more extensive or specialized treatment. The SBIRT may be offered in a primary care, or emergency care setting.
Treatment Services. The MCO is responsible for CD treatment services, excluding room and board, determined necessary by the assessment identified in Minnesota Rules, Part 9530.6615 and criteria identified in Minnesota Rules, Parts 9530.6620 and 9530.6622. Notwithstanding section 6.19.2, CD treatment services shall be provided in accordance with 42 CFR § 8.12, and Minnesota Statutes, §§ 254B.04, subd. 2a and 254B.05.
(A) CD treatment services do not include detoxification (unless it is required for medical treatment). Detoxification is covered only when inpatient hospitalization is medically necessary because of conditions resulting from withdrawal or conditions occurring in addition to withdrawal, for example for conditions resulting from injury or accident or medical complications during detoxification, that necessitate the constant availability of physicians and registered nurses and/or complex medical equipment found only in an inpatient setting.
(B) The MCO shall not be responsible for the payment of room and board provided by residential CD treatment providers.
(C) Screening for chemical dependency
Treatment Services. Services shall be provided when determined 28 by a Medical Director or LPHA as medically necessary. Appropriateness for services must adhere to all 29 DHCS requirements, meet ASAM Criteria and shall be documented in the Client’s file.
Treatment Services. CD treatment services do not include detoxification (unless it is required for medical treatment). The MCO is responsible for all CD treatment services including room and board determined necessary by the assessment. Notwithstanding section 6.24.2, CD services shall be provided in accordance with 42 CFR § 8.12, and Minnesota Statutes, § 254B.05,