Assessment unit definition

Assessment unit means a unit or quasi-improvement district designated by the board for the purpose of petition, remonstrance, and assessment in the case of a combination of projects in an improvement district.
Assessment unit means an area within a district which is separately defined for determining assessments payable pursuant to this part 6.
Assessment unit means, with respect to a special assessment, a subdivided parcel of land and/or condominium unit that will be subject to such special assessment; provided, however, that every assessment unit shall have a unique tax map key number.

Examples of Assessment unit in a sentence

  • The campus features, among other things, an Education, Training and Assessment unit, a Management Development Center and extensive state-of-the-art conference facilities.

  • The Level of Care Task Committee comprises managers of the IDD unit and CAT Intake and Assessment unit (co-chairs), Research and Analysis unit, Quality Assurance unit, Policy and Program Development unit and the CAT Review unit.

  • The Program Integrity and Analysis, Quality Assessment unit staff is trained and regularly performs quality control case reviews.

  • The service at Royal Glamorgan Hospital is complemented by consultant-led ante-natal clinics, a Midwifery Day Assessment unit with community midwifery services across the organisation supporting care in the home, including the option for women to choose a home birth.

  • Some very small offices cannot support a separate Family Assessment unit.

More Definitions of Assessment unit

Assessment unit means the unit or criteria utilized to determine the Assessment for each parcel of property, as set forth in the Initial Assessment Resolution. “Assessment Units” may include, by way of example only and not limitation, one or a combination of the following: front footage, platted lots or parcels of record, land area, improvement area, equivalent residential connections, permitted land use, usage rates, fixture values, capacity factors under applicable concurrency management regulations, or any other physical characteristic or reasonably expected use of the property that is related to the Utility Improvement or Related Service to be funded from proceeds of the Assessment.
Assessment unit means the unit or criteria utilized to determine the assessment for each parcel
Assessment unit means the apportionment unit utilized to determine the Assessment for each parcel of property, as set forth in the Initial Assessment Resolution. "Assessment Units" may include, by way of example and not limitation, one or a combination of the following: front footage, land area, improvement area, equivalent residential connections or units, equivalent benefit units, permitted land use, trip generation rates, rights to future trip generation capacity under applicable concurrency management regulations, property value or any other physical characteristic or reasonably expected use of the property that is related to the Capital Improvements or Essential Services to be funded from proceeds of the Assessment.
Assessment unit means each residential lot or dwelling unit within Exhibit “A,” whether developed or undeveloped, subject to such adjustments as determined by the Board, after consideration of the Advisory Committee’s recommendation, to be fair and equitable and in accordance with the benefits received from the Project and services that will be
Assessment unit means the assessment unit set up under the scheme notified under sub-section (3A) of section 143 of the Act or referred to in section 144B of the Act, as the case may be;
Assessment unit means the apportionment unit utilized to determine the Assessment for each parcel of property, as set forth in the Initial Assessment Resolution. "Assessment Units" may include, by way of example and not limitation, one or a combination of the following: front footage, land area, improvement area, equivalent residential connections or units, permitted land use, trip generation rates, rights to future trip generation capacity under applicable concurrency management regulations,
Assessment unit means a property which receives an assessment for common expenses”, generally a housing unit or a vacant lot without a dwelling leased to a leaseholder who does not otherwise lease property with a dwelling. (Also reference Article 5, Section 1.)