Usage Rates Sample Clauses
Usage Rates. Usage rates are rates that apply only to M/L and L/M Traffic . These are applied on a per conversation minute basis. Conversation minute charges are accumulated over a monthly period. For Type 2A and Type 2B calls, the Party whose customer originates the call will compensate the Party who terminates the call for usage at the Type 2 Interconnection rates shown in this Attachment II, Sections IV and V.
Usage Rates. Usage rates are applied on a per minute basis. Per minute charges are accumulated over a monthly period.
Usage Rates. Usage rates are rates that apply only when a specific rate element is used. These are applied on a per access minute basis. Access minute charges are accumulated over a monthly period. Usage rates to Carrier apply to the Cellular Local Switching (CLS) rate element for both Type 2A service and Type 2B service, and to the Cellular Common Trunk (CCT) rate element for Type 2A service terminated on the Company=s network. Usage rates to Company apply to the Cellular Local Switching (CLS) rate element for both Type 2A service and Type 2B service terminated on the Carrier=s network.
Usage Rates. Use of City facilities shall be charged at a special reduced rate.
Usage Rates. The Contract Prices for the Services provided pursuant to this Agreement are as follows:
5.1. The Contract Price for AT&T SDN Service - Domestic Interstate Schedule A and A-PV (excluding NRA) calls is [*] for the initial 18 seconds and [*] for each additional 6 seconds or fraction thereof for all day parts and mileage bands for months 1 through 6 and [*] for the initial 18 seconds and [*] for each additional 6 seconds or fraction thereof for all day parts and mileage bands for months 7 through 18.
5.2. The Contract Price for AT&T SDN Service - Domestic Interstate Schedule B and B-PV (excluding NRA) calls is [*] for the initial 18 seconds and [*] for each CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY between [AT&T LOGO] AND MIDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ___________________ Customer's Initials *CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED. 38 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 4 OF 33 SERVICES AND SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS additional 6 seconds or fraction thereof for all day parts and mileage bands for the length of the Service Term.
5.3. The Contract Price for the AT&T DNS Services provided under this Agreement is the same as the undiscounted Recurring and Nonrecurring Rates and Charges specified in AT&T Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, as amended from time to time.
5.4. The Contract price for the AT&T MEGACOM Service provided under this Agreement is the same as the undiscounted Recurring and Nonrecurring Rates and Charges specified for said Service in AT&T Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, as amended from time to time, except that the following usage rate applies for AT&T MEGACOM Service-Domestic Interstate calls which originate at an IXC Switch.
(a) The Contract Price for AT&T MEGACOM Service-Domestic Interstate Service which originate at an IXC Switch is [*] for the initial 18 seconds and [*] for each additional 6 seconds or fraction thereof for all day parts and mileage bands for Intra-Mainland, Mainland-Hawaii, Mainland-Alaska, Hawaii-Alaska, Mainland-Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands Service, Puerto Rico-Mainland and Puerto Rico-Alaska/Hawaii/U.S. Virgin Islands Service.
Usage Rates. Service Ordering & Exception Management Txns per month Rates per txn First 3,000 $1.00 $0.50 Next 5,000 $0.80 $0.40 Above 8,000 $0.70 $0.35
Usage Rates. Usage rates are rates that apply only to W/L and L/W Traffic. These are applied on a per conversation minute basis. Conversation minute charges are accumulated over a monthly period Compensation applies for transport and termination of Local Traffic billable by CBT or ASW that a Customer originates on CBT's or AWS's network for termination on the other Party's network. The Parties shall compensate each other for the transport and termination of L/M Traffic and M/L Traffic over the terminating carrier’s switch in accordance with Section 251(b)(5) of the Act and the FCC’s Order on Remand and Report and Order in CC Docket Nos. 96-98 and 99-68, released on April 27, 2001 at the rates provided in Attachment II, Sections IV and V.
Usage Rates. AT&T reserves the right to increase from time to time the rates for the Services provided under this Agreement, regardless of any provisions in this Agreement that would otherwise stabilize rates or limit rate increases, as a result of charges imposed on AT&T stemming from an order, rule or regulation of the Federal Communications Commission or a court having competent jurisdiction relating to compensation of payphone service providers. The Contract Prices for the Services provided pursuant to this Agreement are as follows:
Usage Rates. Access Usage Rates are set forth in [ * ]. A separate set of Access Usage Rates apply for each LEC Operating Company Number ("OCN") within each LATA. A per call Database Dip Charge also applies for AT&T Network Connection - Toll Free Service.
(A) Access Rate File. Access Usage Rate [ * ]are set forth in the following file (the "Access Rate File"). CUSTOMER acknowledges it has received the Access Rate File from AT&T prior to its execution of this Agreement. ---------------------------------------------------- Access Rate File Name: [ * ] ---------------------------------------------------- Although the rates in the Access Rate File are set forth as per minute rates, the Originating and Terminating Access Usage Rates are billed with an initial period of [ * ] and additional periods of [ * ]. The applicable Usage Rate for the [ * ] will be [ * ], and the applicable Usage Rate for each additional [ * ] will be [ * ].
Usage Rates. Rates are subject to change without notice (as deemed necessary by Harbour Station). Included in the ice rental are hockey nets, small score clock and one guaranteed locker room.