ATM definition
Examples of ATM in a sentence
Because of the servicing schedule and processing time required in ATM operations, there may be a delay between the time a deposit (either cash or check) is made and when it will be available for withdrawal.
Other Verizon Networks – Verizon IP VPN as referenced in Verizon Tariff F.C.C. No. 20, Verizon Local Private Line as referenced in Verizon Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 and F.C.C No. 11, Verizon Fast Packet – ATM as referenced in Verizon Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 and F.C.C. No. 20, Verizon Fast Packet – Frame Relay as referenced in Verizon Tariff F.C.C. No. 20 Verizon Wireless EVDO access.
For the further avoidance of doubt, Common Shares issued pursuant to any of the following will not be considered Restricted Issuances: (i) ATM facilities, or (ii) primary offerings without variable price mechanics.
You are responsible for fees that may be charged for cash advances performed at other financial institutions and ATM owners.
Username and password applied via ATM or WebATM will expire within 24 hours, while the device authentication password applied via WebATM will expire within 24 hours.