ATM Sample Clauses
ATM. If approved, you may use your card and personal identification number (PIN) in automated teller machines (ATMs) of the Credit Union and such other machines or facilities as the Credit Union may designate. For ATM transactions, you must consent to the Credit Union’s overdraft protection plan in order for the transaction amount to be covered under the plan. Without your consent, the Credit Union may not authorize and pay an overdraft resulting from these types of transactions. Services and fees for ATM overdrafts are shown in the document the Credit Union uses to capture the member’s opt-in choice for overdraft protection and the Schedule of Fees and Charges.
ATM. 3.2 Bankomat
3.2.1 The Partner shall ensure that the ATM is at all times provided with any and all electrical connections and an adequate supply of electricity reasonably necessary for the operation of the ATM and its accessories at the Location at its expense and in accordance with the technical conditions previously specified by Euronet.
3.2.1 Partner zabezpečí, že bankomat bude trvale mať napojenie na všetky potrebné prívody elektrickej energie a adekvátnu dodávku elektriny potrebnú pre prevádzkovanie bankomatu a jeho príslušenstva v Mieste inštalácie, a to na jeho vlastné náklady a v súlade s technickými podmienkami vopred stanovenými Euronetom.
3.2.2 Any changes to the utilities that may be required by the operation or upgrade of the ATM will be agreed upon, in writing, by the Parties.
3.2.2 Akékoľvek zmeny energií, ktoré prípadne môžu byť potrebné na prevádzkovanie alebo upgrade bankomatu budú písomne odsúhlasené Stranami.
3.2.3 The Partner acknowledges that the ATM as well as all software programs used by the ATMs (system software) belong to Euronet or to the financing company which leases them to Euronet. The Partner represents that is has no ownership, other rights or claims to the ATM and waives any rights with respect thereto, including the right of retention.
ATM. You may withdraw up to $1,000.00 in any one day at an ATM (if there are sufficient funds in your account). For security purposes, there may be other limits on the frequency and amount of transfers.
ATM. 3.2.1 The Partner shall ensure that the ATM is at all times provided with any and all electrical connections and an adequate supply of electricity reasonably necessary for the operation of the ATM and its accessories at the Location at its expense and in accordance with the technical conditions previously specified by Euronet.
3.2.2 Any changes to the utilities that may be required by the operation or upgrade of the ATM will be agreed upon, in writing, by the Parties.
3.2.3 The Partner acknowledges that the ATM as well as all software programs used by the ATMs (system software) belong to Euronet or to the financing company which leases them to Euronet. The Partner represents that is has no ownership, other rights or claims to the ATM and waives any rights with respect thereto, including the right of retention.
ATM. If approved, you may use your Card and PIN (Personal Identification Number) in automated teller machines of the Credit Union, Concord, PLUS networks, and such other machines of facilities as the Credit Union may designate. At the present time, you may use your card to: • Make deposits to your share and share draft accounts. • Withdraw funds from your share and share draft accounts. • Transfer funds from your share and share draft accounts. • Obtain balance information for your share and share draft accounts. The following limitations on the frequency and amount of ATM transactions may apply: • You may make ten (10) cash withdrawals in one day. • You may withdraw up to a maximum of $600.00 in any one day, if there are sufficient funds in your account. • You may make ten (10) POS Transactions in any one day. • You may purchase up to a maximum of $600.00 from POS terminals per day, if there are sufficient funds in your account. • You may transfer up to the available balance in your accounts at the time of the transfer. • See Section 2 for transfer limitations that may apply to these transactions. Because of the servicing schedule and processing time requires in ATM operations, there may be a delay between the times a deposit (either cash or check) is made and when it will be available for withdrawal.
ATM. Concurrently with the execution hereof, the parties will execute an ATM Placement Agreement for the continued operation of Tenant’s automatic teller machine (the “ATM”) at the Building.
ATM. You may withdraw up to $505 in any one day at an ATM (if there are sufficient funds in your account). You may make a maximum of eight (8) withdrawals in any one day. For security purposes, there may be other limits on the frequency and amount of transfers.
ATM. Lessee may use the Premises for the Intended Use.
ATM. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary, subject to the terms of this Lease (including, without limitation, Article 8 of this Lease), Tenant shall have the right, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, during the Lease Term to install, operate and maintain one (1) automated teller machine ("ATM") in a location on the Real Property approved by Landlord facing either Wilshire Boulevard or Elm Drive, provided that (a) in no event shall Landlord be required to incur any costs or expenses of any kind in connection with the installation or operation of the ATM, and (b) in no event shall Landlord be obligated to alter the Building or the Building operations in any way (including, by way of example only, permitting access to the lobby of the Building during hours other than "Building Hours," as that term is defined in Section 6.1.1, below), in connection with the installation and operation of the ATM. Tenant hereby acknowledges and agrees that (i) Tenant shall be fully responsible for the maintenance, repair, compliance with laws and insuring of the ATM, (ii) Tenant shall comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to the ATM, (iii) Tenant's indemnity, as set forth in Section 10.1 of this Lease, shall specifically apply to any claims in connection with or related to the installation, operation maintenance or use of the ATM, and (iv) Tenant shall keep the ATM in good working order and the area surrounding the ATM in a neat and orderly condition. All aspects of the ATM, including, without limitation, the size, design, lighting, color, and manner of installation, shall be subject to the approval of Landlord. Tenant shall comply with the reasonable rules and regulations established by Landlord with regard to the ATM, the appearance of which shall at all times be consistent with the first-class nature of the Building. Prior to the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, remove the ATM and shall repair any and all damage to the Premises, Building and Real Property resulting from such removal. Tenant's right to the ATM, as set forth in this Section 5.7, shall be personal to the Original Tenant and may not be utilized by any assignee, sublessee or other transferee of the Original Tenant's interest in this Lease or the Premises.
ATM. 3.2.1 The Partner shall ensure that the ATM is at all times provided with any and all electrical connections and an adequate supply of electricity reasonably necessary for the operation of the ATM and its accessories at the Location at its expense and in accordance with the technical conditions previously specified by Euronet.