Examples of Attorneys’ Fees and Costs in a sentence
Any action by Class Counsel to monitor or enforce the Settlement Agreement shall be done without additional fee or reimbursement of expenses beyond the Attorneys’ Fees and Costs determined by the Court.
Settlement Class Counsel agree to release Defendant and the Released Parties from any responsibility for or liability arising out of or related to the division and distribution of any court-approved Attorneys’ Fees and Costs to Settlement Class Counsel.
Notwithstanding anything herein, the Court’s failure to approve, in whole or in part, any application for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, or Administrative Expenses, sought by Class Counsel shall not prevent the Settlement Agreement from becoming effective, nor shall it be grounds for termination of the Settlement.
Subject to Court approval, in consideration for the Releases set forth in Section 10 as well as other provisions of this Agreement, Allstate will fund a non-reversionary common fund (“Settlement Fund”) of three million, three hundred thousand dollars ($3,300,000.00), from which all Settlement Relief, Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, Notice and Administrative Costs, and any Service Award will be deducted.
Notwithstanding anything herein, no order of the Court, or modification or reversal on appeal of any order of the Court, solely concerning Attorneys’ Fees and Costs or any Service Awards shall constitute grounds for termination of the Settlement Agreement.