Examples of AUG Year in a sentence
The proposed new consumption based AUG Methodology would therefore subsequently be implemented within the 2013 AUGS for the AUG Year 2014/15 (commencing on 1st April 2014).
Extending the AUG Table for 2020/21 to cover the AUG Year 2021/22 would result in more accurate cost targeting and so further competition between shippers and would give further time for the requirements of the Framework for the Appointment of an Allocation of Unidentified Gas Expert to be discharged.
The AUG Statement proposed for the AUG Year 2021/22 has, owing to the limited time available, not had the same level of development as previous AUG Statements.
In addition, the sector theft allocation contained within the 2011 AUG Methodology for the 2012/13 AUG Year has since been shown to be highly inaccurate, which has a significant overall effect, and this new consumption based AUG Methodology addresses this issue.
The first RbD bias AUG Methodology produced by the AUGE in 2011, for the AUG Year 2012/13, allocated approximately 1TWh of Unidentified Gas, out of a total of approximately 6TWh, to the Larger Supply Point sector, which in financial terms equated to £26m out of a total of £160m.
HowConcerns in the short term could be allayed by rollover the UIG Allocation Adjustment Factors that are currently in force the 2020/2021 AUG Year to the 2021/2022 AUG Year.
The proposer is of the view that this proposal will provide more time for Gas Transporters and xoserve to implement the new consumption based AUG Methodology for the 2013/14 AUG Year and introduce the necessary changes in a low cost/low impact manner, enabling the avoidance of what would be a major and avoidable industry cross-subsidy, although even under the current timetable this would be low cost and relatively straightforward.
If the AUGE does not produce a statement in time for 01 April 2012, costs would still be reconciled back to the 01 April 2012.Should the AUG statement be provided and accepted by 01 April 2012 there would be no requirement to prospectively apply the terms of UNC0317, for that AUG Year.
Current AUG Year”) and leads to a quantity of Unidentified Gas to apply to prior AUG Years in addition to the Current AUG Year, paragraph 10.5.6 shall apply for each applicable prior AUG Year back to and including 1 April 2012 (where relevant and subject to Section S 1.4.4) as set out in paragraph 10.5.6 below.
The ProposalIt is proposed that the Transition Document be modified such that, if values have not been established in accordance with the UNC to populate Table E1 in Section E of the Transportation Principal Document, for the AUG Year commencing 1 April 2011, an interim value will be applicable.It is proposed that the values detailed within the table below will apply from 1 April 2011 until such time as the AUGE publishes and implements its AUG Statement.