Authorizing authority definition
Examples of Authorizing authority in a sentence
The Authorizing authority may recommend and/or prescribe to carriers operating international regular lines to comply with the provisions of international quality and comfort systems.
An authorization for each international regular service shall be issued by the Authorizing authority in agreement with the competent authorities of all Contracting Partiesthe country of destination in whose territories passengers are picked up or set down, as well as with the competent authorities in the transit countries.27.
Having completed the procedure laid down in this Article, the Authorizing authority shall grant the authorization or formally refuse the application.154.
The authorization issued by the Authorizing authority, is based on the model shall be as shown in Annex II and is valid for the whole journey.
It shall not be transferred by the lattertransferable to third parties.2. However, aThe carrier who has received an authorization may, if national legislation allows it and with the consent of the Authorizing authority, operate the service through a sub-contractor(s).
The Authorizing authority shall inform all the competent authorities whose agreement is requested, of its decision, by sending them a copy of any authorization.187.
Any Manager may resign at any time by delivering a written resignation to the remaining Managers and each of the Voting Members and such resignation shall be effective upon receipt thereby or at a subsequent time as set forth in the notice of resignation.
If the procedure for reaching the agreement referred to in this Article does not enable the Authorizing authority to decide on an application, and without prejudice to the provisions of Article [26] of this Agreement, the matter may be referred to the Administrative Committee for information and, if necessary, for other measures to be taken in the framework of competences of this Committee.