Credit card means any card, plate, coupon book, or other credit device ex- isting for the purpose of obtaining money, property, labor, or services on credit.
Merchant means any corporate entity, person or other establishment, supplying goods and/or services, which a Card Scheme Member Bank has approved and made arrangements to accept the Card or the Card numbers as a mode of payment or reservation by the Cardholder.
Debit means a charge or an amount of money somebody must pay. If we debit money to you or debit money to your account, that money is then added to the unpaid balance and the unpaid balance becomes larger. In this case “charge” and “debit” have similar meanings.
ATM means an automated teller machine.
ACH means automated clearing house transfers.
Card means any card or other account access device we issue for the purpose of accessing your account.
Credit Card Account means the Account of the Cardmember opened with Maybank for the purpose of this Agreement;
Cash Management Services means any cash management or related services including treasury, depository, return items, overdraft, controlled disbursement, merchant store value cards, e-payables services, electronic funds transfer, interstate depository network, automatic clearing house transfer (including the Automated Clearing House processing of electronic funds transfers through the direct Federal Reserve Fedline system) and other cash management arrangements.