Balancing Authority Operator definition
Examples of Balancing Authority Operator in a sentence
Interconnection Customer shall operate the Generating Facility and the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities in accordance with all applicable requirements of Transmission Provider or its designated Local Balancing Authority Operator of which the Generating Facility is part, as such requirements are set forth in Appendix C, Interconnection Details, of this GIA.
Interconnection Customer shall operate the Generating Facility and the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities in accordance with all applicable requirements of the Transmission Provider or its designated Local Balancing Authority Operator of which the Generating Facility is part, as such requirements are set forth in Appendix C, Interconnection Details, of this GIA.
If the Eligible Customer does not execute the Service Agreement, then the Local Balancing Authority Operator may file an unexecuted Service Agreement with the Commission.
Customer agrees to purchase this service directly from the Local Balancing Authority Operator or indirectly by making arrangements with the Transmission Provider.
The Local Balancing Authority Operator shall promptly cease the curtailment, interruption, or reduction of scheduled inter-/intra-energy delivery when the condition that would cause the Emergency ceases to exist.
The Local Balancing Authority Operator shall offer standard form Service Agreements (Attachments A and B) to an Eligible Customer.
At Customer’s expense, Customer shall maintain satisfactory operating communications with the Local Balancing Authority Operator or representative, as designated by Company.
The Local Balancing Authority Operator agrees to provide Reactive Power Supply from Generation or Other Sources for movements of power through, out of, within, or into the Company’s Transmission System.
If at any time, in the Local Balancing Authority Operator’s reasonable judgment, and exercised in accordance with Good Utility Practice, the continued operation of the Customer’s Facility would cause an Emergency, the Local Balancing Authority Operator may curtail, interrupt, or reduce scheduled inter-/intra- energy from the Facility until the condition, which would cause the Emergency, is corrected.
Where the Company is assessed, or otherwise incurs costs because of the Customer’s failure to comply with the above requirements, directions, manuals, standards, or guidelines, the Customer shall be liable to the Company for those assessments or costs as provided in Sections 3.12 and Local Balancing Authority Operator.