Band means the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians.
Broadband level means all positions sufficiently similar in knowledge, skills, and abilities, and sufficiently similar as to kind or subject matter of work, level of difficulty or responsibilities, and qualification requirements of the work, to warrant the same treatment as to title, pay band, and other personnel transactions.
Digital Signal Level 3 (DS-3 means the 44.736 Mbps third level signal in the time division multiplex hierarchy.
Backsiphonage means the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the potable water system from any source other than its intended source, caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water system.
PNode has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
Digital Signal Level 1 (DS-1 means the 1.544 Mbps first level signal in the time division multiplex hierarchy.
Digital Signal Level 3 or "DS3" means the 44.736 Mbps third-level in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. In the time-division multiplexing hierarchy of the telephone network, DS3 is defined as the third level of multiplexing.
Connectivity means the provision of a Permanent Separated Bicycle Lane system that reflects desired routes between all major origins and destinations in the city.
Short-rotation coppice means a specific management regime whereby the poles of trees are cut every one to two years and which is aimed at producing biomass for energy. It is exempt from the UK government timber procurement policy requirements and falls under agricultural regulation and supervision rather than forestry. The exemption only refers to short-rotation coppice, and not 'conventional' coppice which is forest management and therefore subject to the timber policy.
Digital Signal Level 0 (DS-0 means the lowest-level signal in the time division multiplex digital hierarchy, and represents a voice-grade channel operating at either the 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps transmission bit rates. There are twenty-four (24) DS-0 channels in a DS-1.
Digital Signal Level 0 or "DS0" means the 64 Kbps zero-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy.
Digital Signal Level 1 or "DS1" means the 1.544 Mbps first-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. In the time-division multiplexing hierarchy of the telephone network, DS1 is the initial level of multiplexing.
MAOP means the maximum allowable operating pressure of the Maui Pipeline or any part of it, as set out in Schedule 6.
High voltage bus means the electrical circuit, including the coupling system for charging the REESS that operates on a high voltage.
Digital Signal Level means one of several transmission rates in the time division multiplex hierarchy.
Fiber means a glass strand or strands which is/are protected by a color coded buffer tube and which is/are used to transmit a communication signal along the glass strand in the form of pulses of light.
FOIP means the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act,
Broadband or “Broadband Service” means any service defined as Broadband, or having advanced telecommunications capability, in the most recent Federal Communications Commission inquiry pursuant to Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-104).2
high voltage means the classification of an electric component or circuit, if its working voltage is > 60 V and ≤ 1500 V DC or > 30 V and ≤ 1000 V AC root mean square (rms).
SAIC means the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the PRC and/or its regional and local counterparts.
FOIPPA means the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;
Switch means a switching device employed by a Carrier within the Public Switched Network. Switch includes but is not limited to End Office Switches, Tandem Switches, Access Tandem Switches, Remote Switching Modules, and Packet Switches. Switches may be employed as a combination of End Office/Tandem Switches. "Switched Access Service" means the offering of transmission and switching services to Interexchange Carriers for the purpose of the origination or termination of telephone toll service. Switched Access Services include: Feature Group A, Feature Group B, Feature Group D, 8XX access, and 900 access and their successors or similar Switched Access Services. "Switched Access Traffic" is traffic that originates at one of the Party's End User Customers and terminates at an IXC Point of Presence, or originates at an IXC Point of Presence and terminates at one of the Party's End User Customers, whether or not the traffic transits the other Party's network.
Signal means any transmission of radio frequency energy or of optical information.
CDSL means Central Depository Services (India) Ltd.
Serving Wire Center (SWC) means the Wire Center that serves the area in which the other Party’s or a Third Party’s Wire Center, aggregation point, point of termination, or point of presence is located.
POTS means plain old telephone service. "Power Spectral Density (PSD) Masks" are graphical templates that define the limits on signal power densities across a range of frequencies to permit divergent technologies to coexist in close proximity within the same Binder Groups.